FAQ: Stripe Payment For Magento 2

For smooth work, Stripe demands TLS of at least v1.2 , HTTPS and stripe/stripe-php library. Please see full answer for detailed instructions.

Please see full answer for detailed instructions on how to install the Amasty Stripe for Magento 2 app.

RAK doesn’t require any additional back-end setup from you. Users must copy and paste generated Stripe API keys to the extension configuration. Please see full answer for detailed instructions.

Test mode allows you to validate that the module works well in your shop and to see what the user experience feels like without actually charging a card or incurring any cost. Once ready to charge your customers with the module, you can switch to live mode. Test and live modes are distinguished by different sets of API keys.

If you choose not to migrate your authentication to a Stripe App, it will continue to work as it does today, without impact to the user experience until 2024.

Previously, Stripe allowed third-party plugins to request the standard API keys of a user to integrate with their products. Since January 2024, Stripe requires plugins to leverage Stripe Apps. All new and existing plugins must use a Stripe App to authenticate users for their service using OAuth 2.0 or a restricted API key. Please see full answer for detailed instructions.

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