FAQ: Multiple Coupons

Yes, our extension has a special option for that. Follow the link to see the settings.

Yes, sure. For your convenience, there is a special setting to complete this. You just need to go to System > Configuration > Multiple coupons and set the limit in the “Maximum number of coupons for order” field.

Yes, with our Multiple coupons extension you can specify a list of discount codes which can be used individually only. Read on to set it up correctly.

Yes, sure. All you need is to add the codes to the coupon field. Go on reading to see how to make the settings.

Yes, multiple coupons can be applied by both registered and guest customers.
Yes, of course. Our Multiple Coupons module works with all the coupons you have already crated. So there is no need to re-create them after installing the extension.

Yes, you can include promo codes in a checkout form, add disocunt coupons to Magento one page checkout, etc. Read on to see an example.

If different discount coupon codes are added, e.g.: a percentage based coupon and then a coupon with an absolute amount the final price is calculated according to native Magento rules.
If you faced this issue when running Multiple Coupons, please copy the module template app\design\frontend\default\default\template\amcoupon\checkout\cart\coupon.phtml to your custom theme and refresh the cache.

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