FAQ: Improved Sorting

Improved Sorting
Can I display some products on top of the list in spite of actual bestsellers data in magento?

Yes, the 'sort products by popularity' feature will help you make sales more efficient, as you can bring to the top any product you need despite its actual data. Go on reading to see more details.

Can I set a particular sorting option to be a default one in magento?

Yes, the extension allows you to set any sorting option as default, you may sort products by newest or best sellers by default. To see the configuration follow the link below.

Can I set a particular sorting option to be default for a specific category only in magento?

Yes, with the category order feature you can change the default sort order per category. Thus, any category you need can be assigned a category sort by best seller, new, most viewed, etc. Read on to get complete instructions.

Does the module work for the Enterprise edition?

Yes, the Improved Sorting module works with the Enterprise edition.

How does a best sellers sorting option handle configurable products?

A best seller for a configurable item is a sum of sales of all the simple products associated with it.

How to change sorting options display name in magento?
To change sorting options display name as well as any other extension texts when using the Improved Sorting please open the file app\locale\en_US\Amasty_Sorting.csv Add, for example line, "New", "New In" and refresh the cache. To change the default...
I have an error when I sort by bestsellers or most rated products.
It means there is a conflict with another 3-d party extension you might be using, please contact us and send temporary FTP and admin access details to us so we could fix the issue. 
I have Better Store Search installed and sorting does not work.
Please open file app/code/community/TBT/Bss/etc/config.xmland remove the lines:<catalog><rewrite>          <product_list_toolbar>TBT_Bss_Block_Catalog_Product_List_Toolbar</product_list_toolbar...
I have Seo Suite extension installed and sorting does not work.
Please do the following: 1) Open app/code/local/MageWorx/SeoSuite/Block/Catalog/Product/List/Toolbar.php2) Replace extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_List_Toolbarwithextends Amasty_Sorting_Block_Catalog_Product_List_Toolbar
I’d like to sort products by Position but can’t find this sorting option in magento.
A Position sorting option is available in default Magento functionality and in the backend it is called ‘Best Value’. Position can be set on the product grid on the category management page.
What product types are supported by Improved Sorting?

Improved Sorting module supports all types of products. Read on to learn all the nuances.

What to do if sorting does not work?
In case if sorting doesn't work there might be a conflict with other extensions. We have worked out a special tool for the case. Go to System>Configuration>Amasty Extensions>Extensions&Notifications>Troubleshooter, then find the Improved...
Why are there no stars in the rating?

You might have forgotten to set up ratings in Magento. If you want to create your own custom rating, which is to be displayed in catalog lists on a product page, go to Admin Panel>Catalog>Reviews and Ratings > Manage Ratings. 
Then click the 'Add New Rating' button and configure the default rating values in keeping with your needs.

Why doesn’t sorting by Bestsellers correspond to my actual data in sales reports?
Please check the extension settings highlighted on the screenshot below:   If you've enabled the option Use Index, you need to run re-index after changing the settings. As for the reports, most likely your reports include data from completed...
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