FAQ: Most Asked Magento-Related Questions

Most Asked Magento-Related Questions
I’m trying to install the module via composer, but the package is not found. How to resolve it?
Composer is the dependency manager that allows you easily download the required files on your server. The files are located on a remote server, or a repository, that you need to add to the list of “known” ones and authenticate to using the username...
I’ve created the rule for particular categories, but it doesn’t work with configurable products.
You haven’t specified the category for child products of the configurable product. The categories for parent and child products should be the same.
Less compilation modes in Magento 2: what is the difference and how to configure them?
Magento 2 allows you to compile the .less files by using one of these 3 modes:  server-side Less compilation. client-side Less compilation. compilation via automatic tools. Let’s see how they differ. → Need a hand with custom development...
Magento 1 & Magento 2 database config file: Where to find it and how to edit
In view of backups, database edits, server hostname, username, password or database name alterations you need to work with MySQL. In case you don’t know database credentials, but have FTP access you need to find Magento database access details...
Magento 1 and 2 Payment Methods Tutorial
While configuring Magento 1 or Magento 2 store you’ll need to set up required payment methods. In this tutorial, you'll find all the payment methods settings available in these platform versions by default.Use this Order Export to receive all the data...
Magento 2 'Add to Cart' is not working
The issue is common among merchants who have implemented custom solutions or just migrated to Magento 2 version. There are many variants of the problem outcome, though let’s consider the commonest. To increase the cart conversion rate, speed up...
Magento 2 Admin Panel Tutorial
Admin DashboardCustomers TabReports TabSales TabMarketing TabStores TabCatalog TabContent TabSystem Tab What is the Magento 2 Admin area?Magento 2 admin area is your current workplace and you should know it like nobody else. Many admin users have already...
Magento 2 Admin URL: How to set a custom Admin URL
An Admin URL varies with every new platform installation. Once installed, the admin URL and base URL of Magento 2 you get are the following: Default Base URL:http://example.com/magento/Default Admin URL and Path:http://example.com/magento/...
Magento 2 backup: 3 ways to complete it
Magento 2 backup via the Command line Magento 2 backup via the Admin Panel Magento 2 Manual backup Rolling back to a Magento 2 backup via the Command line A Magento 2 system backup is the right way to save your online business harmless. Do you...
Magento 2 Clear Cache
How to Clear Cache in Magento 2? Option 1: Magento 2 Clear Cache via Admin Panel Option 2: Magento 2 Clear Cache via Command Line Full Page Cache  Magento 2 Cache Clean vs. Flush How to enable cache types? Cache is a separate area of your ...
Magento 2 Command Line Interface: useful commands
Merchants that use Magento 2 know it has a console command line. However, not all of the newbies know how to use it all out. Here we have decided to share the knowledge and give some useful tips. Looking to extend your Magento 2 functionality? Choose...
Magento 2 Community vs. Enterprise
Our best guess for reading the piece is that you opted for a Magento-based store. See no distinction between Magento 2 Community and Enterprise versions? The post may become a life-saver for the future e-commerce business. The difference between...
Magento 2 Contact Form

How to show CAPTCHA in Magento contact form: advice from Amasty?

One of the easiest ways to protect your contact form email and website from spamming and bots is to enable a CAPTCHA

Magento 2 CSS
By default, CCS (Cascading Style Sheets) files are located in the Magento 2 application file system and are recommended not to be included in template files. Let’s take a closer look at Magento 2 stylesheets organization and the layout customization ...
Magento 2 deploy static content
What is the Magento 2 static content deploy command and when do you need it? When working in Magento production mode static files can be written to the file system with the static view files deployment command. After your content is deployed...
Magento 2 EE CyberSource
What is CyberSource? CyberSource is an on-demand payment management platform that enables merchants to receive and supervise payments, prevent fraud and secure private information. The platform was one of the pathfinders of the sphere, which later acquired...
Magento 2 email templates
Instead of customizing default Magento 2 email template you are recommended to create your own templates and set Magento 2 to use them instead of the default ones. In this case, you can add unique email templates in Magento 2 as physical files in your...
Magento 2 ERP system
What is e-commerce ERP?ERP is an Enterprise resource planning business platform, which integrates product planning, development, manufacturing, marketing, sales, and stores the information in a single database. Simply put, the system presents an optimal...
Magento 2 File & Folder structure
Magento 2 Module File or Magento extension folder structure / Folder structure is too complicated. We are not going to cover all files and folders within Magento 2, but the high-level ones only.  ¡How to tell the difference between a folder and...
Magento 2 Full Page Cache: Speed Up Your Site

Due to Magento full page cache settings availability in the second version, a site will display category, product, CMS pages quicker. A response time is improved a lot through reducing the page load on the server or Magento full page cache auto generation.

Magento 2 Google Analytics Setup
How to set up Google Analytics in Magento 2Google Analytics is a must-have for all websites, therefore the sooner you set it up the more thoroughly you will be enlightened on intending and regular purchasers. Do you have little skills in SEO but want...
Magento 2 Import Configurable Products
To simply create and import configurable products without time loss follow the three clear steps.Magento 2 import configurable products in CSV:Step 1: Find a CSV file¡In case you have already downloaded the sample file, skip the step! Log in to your...
Magento 2 Install a New Theme Setup Tutorial
Helpful hint: if you use Amasty extensions, to avoid any conflicts with 3rd-party themes, subscribe to our Custom Theme release. Based on the feedback we've received from our customers, we're now developing a custom theme with the view to offer: ...
Magento 2 Logo: How to change the default logo?
Building a brand awareness is one of the main tasks merchants face at a business launch. If you’ve chosen an e-commerce sphere and decided to base your website on Magento 2 platform, you will definitely need to learn how to change the default logo...
Magento 2 Manage Stock

In Magento 2 you can manage your stock using two approaches: you can control magento stock products via the default inventory settings or using each product individual settings.

Magento 2 modes: set the developer/production mode
Magento 2 modules list: enable/disable modules
Helpful hint: say, you start planning the migration to M1. Then, the list of extensions will help you find the analogs for M2 much faster. However, unfortunately, not all Magento 2 extensions provide the same set of features as the M1 predecessors had...
Magento 2 Multiple Stores Setup
One of the functionality provided in Magento 2 is setting up multiple stores and managing them from the same backend for the sake of convenience. However, the thing is whether you want to use Magento 2 multi stores, multy domains or need to...
Magento 2 MySQL
MySQL is one of the most in-demand databases for e-commerce websites due to the secure financial transactions that have data integrity, a possibility of the management of deeply embedded applications, and its consistent availability. However, by no means...
Magento 2 PayPal Integration
Magento 2 PayPal Integration Required PayPal Settings Magento 2 PayPal Payments Pro: Basic Settings - PayPal Payments Pro Magento 2 PayPal Express Checkout: Basic Settings - PayPal Express Checkout To integrate PayPal into Magento 2 you need to choose...
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