How to set up ‘get free product’ promotion in Magento 2?

Say, you want to launch a promotion in your Magento 2 where customers will get a free product with the purchase of another product. How to do this? Let’s see.

How to get a free product with the purchase of another product in Magento 2?

Let’s answer the question: how to set the Magento 2 promotion where customers will get a free product with the purchase of another product?

Step 1. First off, log in to the admin panel, navigate to Marketing > Promotions > Cart Price Rules and click Add New Rule.

cart price rule settings

Step 2. In the rule information section, fill in Rule Name and Description.

Step 3. Continuing to answer the question: how to set the Magento promotion where customers will get a free product with the purchase of another product? Now it is needed to activate or deactivate the rule.

Step 4. Choose Websites and Customer Groups that can use this promotion.

Step 5. Define if you want to use coupons in your rule, set the Priority, and set the Public In RSS Feed field to yes or no.

Step 6. Next, click Save and Continue Edit and open the Conditions block.

cart price rule conditions

Step 7. Add the conditions that will trigger the rule based on product attributes, products, or cart attributes.

Step 8. Go to the Actions section.


Step 9. In the Apply field, choose the Buy X get Y free (discount amount is Y) option from the dropdown. This type of promotion allows your customers to get a free product with the purchase of another product. Let’s see how to set up details in Magento admin.

Step 10. Say, you want to add 1 free product to the cart, if the customer buys 3. In this case, set the Discount Amount field to 1.

Step 11. In the Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To field, limit how many times customers can use this discount.

Step 12. In the Discount Qty Step (Buy X) field, fill in how many items clients should add to the cart to get a discount. In our case, we enter 3.

Step 13. In the Discard subsequent rules field, you can restrict to use this cart price rule with other discounts.

Step 14. If you want to apply this rule only to specific items in the cart, add their SKU in conditions:

cart price rule buy x get y condition

Step 15. Allow or restrict Free Shipping, then click Save and Continue Edit.

Step 16. Open the Labels section, and define Default Rule Label for All Store Views. If you have multiple store views, specify labels for all of them.

Step 17. When ready, save the changes and test the rule.

→ Do you need catchy labels and banners for your promotion? Or maybe you want to let your shoppers choose a gift from several options? Take a look at the Free Gift extension.

What are the benefits of the Magento free gift extension?
Magento Free Gift extension allows you to create catchy labels and banners for your promotion. Or if you want to let your shoppers choose a gift from several options, then Magento Free Gift is your choice.

Magento free gift extension

How to use Magento 2 Gift to boost your store?

A Magento 2 Gift Card is a versatile gift that is growing in popularity year after year. This gift option makes life easier for the giver, eliminating the need to figure out what to give. Gift certificates are beneficial to merchants because they increase sales.

Magento 2 Gift to boost your store


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