How to Create Customer Custom Attribute in Magento 2

To enhance your online store's functionality and capture additional customer information, you can create custom customer attributes in Magento 2. 

What is Customer Custom Attribute in Magento 2

A Customer Custom Attribute in Magento 2 is a specialized data field added to customer profiles, which allows for the collection of unique information beyond the default setup. 


The use of features to create customer attributes in Magento 2 and Magento add customer attributes enhances data collection, enabling better customer segmentation and personalized marketing.

We offer a dedicated module, Customer Attributes for Magento 2, which empowers administrators to define custom fields for customer accounts.

Steps to Create Customer Attribute in Magento 2 

Step 1: Set Up Your Module

First, go to `app/code` in your Magento root directory and create the directory structure `MyCompany/CustomerAttribute`. Inside this directory, create a `registration.php` to register the module:

Also, create `etc/module.xml` to define your module's configuration:

Step 2: Define the InstallData Script

In the `Setup` directory inside your module, create `InstallData.php`. This script will add a new customer attribute:

Step 3: Enable Your Module

To enable your module and apply the new attribute, access your command line in the Magento root directory and run:

Step 4: Verify the Attribute

Navigate to Stores > Attributes > Customer in the Magento Admin Panel to ensure your new attribute appears and functions properly.


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