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Automatically create unique product URLs to avoid situations when a product has multiple links to it. Settle the desired URL depth level to optimize the paths to your product pages and make them search engine friendly.
Automatically generate appealing URLs both for customers and for search engines
Speed up product management with the one-click links rewriting system
Attract more customers and grow sales thanks to improved store pages indexing
Having a high search engine ranking is crucial for the success of your e-commerce business. One of the most important factors that affect your website's discoverability is the indexation of your in-store pages, and having unique Magento product URLs is key to this. By using Magento 2 Product Url extension, you can easily ensure that each product's URL is unique, eliminating issues with duplicate content and giving you full control over your product URLs.
Once a product is included in several categories, you may encounter a duplicate content issue that can harm your store's SEO. However, by using the Magento Product Url extension, you can easily avoid this problem.
The extension creates unique paths for each product, ensuring that search engines only see one version of each page.
You can easily adjust the built-in breadcrumbs using the Magento 2 Seo Friendly Url module. Display only the last visited category or the full URL to the product. The full URL option will implement all categories and subcategories from the URL into the breadcrumbs section.
The extension lets you avoid duplicating a subcategory in breadcrumbs when this subcategory is assigned to several categories simultaneously.
With the Magento SEO URL Rewrite extension, you can define the condition on how to check the length of each category path. You can either select the URL depth level or the total sum of characters in the path. That scenario will be used to set the number of categories and subcategories in URL.
Use the shortest or the longest variant for the category path in product URL to include both a category and subcategories. Alternatively, you can limit a URL to the shortest number of categories. Moreover, you can always return to the Magento default options.
An extra step to avoid duplicate content in the store is to set redirects from the existing secondary URLs to the main canonical one.
With the Magento 2 URL Rewrite extension, you can also select a custom set of categories or subcategories to be removed from product links.
Regenerate URL rewrites for Magento 2 categories and products in one click to make your newly-uploaded products ready for search engines faster. Speed up product management by applying all SEO parameters configured in your Magento instance to the new URLs without SSH and a command line to make links appropriate much faster.
Often, before getting to a product page, customers (as well as search engines) come to a category page first. However, after migration, your category URLs may default to / Use the Magento 2 URL Rewrite Regenerator to optimize categories for both shoppers and search engines, thus you can easily make all or specific category URLs SEO- and user-friendly directly from the admin panel. As the extension uses previously configured Magento SEO settings, just set category ranges or particular IDs and run automatic regeneration.
Similar to categories, by default newly-uploaded product URLs will look like: /, which can be neither user-friendly nor optimized for search engines. Generate URL rewrites for Magento 2 product pages to avoid such issues. In the same way as in the categories, specify product range (e.g. 100-123) or separate IDs (e.g. 25, 34). By the way, you can use both settings, and the regenerator will process the range first, and then will come to IDs.
Get a 100%-optimized store with all-in-one SEO Toolkit extension. Boost position in search results and constantly grow organic traffic with the 8 SEO optimization tools included.
To further boost your product descriptions, leverage our Magento AI extension, which can generate compelling and unique content, enhancing user engagement and potentially increasing conversion rates. Together, these tools work seamlessly to optimize your product pages and elevate your Magento store's overall online presence.
Transition your new business idea from Magento to Shopify seamlessly with our Magento to Shopify migration services, tailored for cost efficiency and agility, helping you capitalize on new market trends rapidly.
The Magento 2 URL Rewrite table (url_rewrite) is a core database table used to manage and store information about URL rewrites for products, categories, CMS pages, and custom URLs. URL rewrites allow Magento to create clean, user-friendly, and SEO-optimized URLs by mapping old URLs to new ones or dynamically generating URLs based on certain rules.
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