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Help customers easily find the nearest offline store to purchase your products. Use Google map to display store locations with exact address to make the shopping process as easy as it can be.
Want to help clients quickly find the nearest offline store with your products? The Magento Store Locator extension enables you to add addresses of physical retail stores to your website just in a few clicks. This Magento 1 store finder allows creating as many store locations as you need and displaying them on a separate page using Google maps. Give customers Magento 1 map with exact store locations to enhance their shopping experience.
To find the nearest physical store location your site visitors just need to click the 'Locate Nearby' button and see the whole list of shops arranged according to their geoposition. The nearest shop as well as other stores will be marked on the map.
The customers will be able to:
Magento 1 store pickup tool enables you to configure the location page according to your specific needs and make it maximally user-friendly.
Easily add as many new store locations as you need. Once you specify all required parameters, the new location will automatically appear on the map. Besides, you can also upload pictures for each store location.
For a store locations page you can specify:
Use handy CSV import functionality to instantly create or update numerous store locations. Gather the necessary data (addresses, phone numbers, images etc.) in a .csv file, upload it and press the ‘Add Stores’ button. This feature is a real time savior when you need to manage a large store database.
Preview and edit exact store coordinates before making them visible on your Location page. As soon as you specify all address fields for a new location, Magento 1 store locator will automatically define the exact coordinates and show the place on the map. You can also edit coordinates manually at any moment.
The Magento 1 map extension enables you to:
Numerous offline stores are good for business but too many markers on the map cause visual overload provide poor interaction with the map. The information on the map needs to be simple and easy to use for your customers. Intelligent automatic map clustering will take care of it. Now the areas with numerous stores close together are highlighted in colors. Map targeting has never been easier!
With the store locator tool you can assign specific products or product categories to different store locations. Once a product or a category is assigned to a particular offline store, the link leading to the store location appears on the corresponding product page. Therefore, customers can immediately see in which offline stores they can purchase this or that product.
If you don't want to use Browser location option to detect customers' location you can upload CSV files with necessary GEO IP data. Apart from that, with Google Maps tool you can use both options simultaneously. This variant is great for those cases when customers use browsers that don't support location option and don't provide browser location data.
To enable the Geo IP option please upload 2 files:
Please download necessary CSV files here.
To expand your presence further, you can also automatically redirect users to the relevant language and currency. Use GeoIP Redirect extension for this.
If you see this error in the console: "This API project is not authorized to use this API. Please ensure this API is activated in the Google Developers Console", it is necessary for you to add Places API to Google Cloud Platform.Read the full answer to get more information.
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