Amasty Blog

updates to amasty extensions december

Fresh updates to Amasty extensions – December 2022

Welcome to the year 2023! We hope you've had time to recover from the holidays. Now let's get back to business. 

Our work doesn't stop no matter what, and here are the updates your extensions received in December. 

January 10, 2023

The 12 biggest e-commerce trends in 2025

The current e-commerce market rakes in over $5 trillion but has no intention of slowing down anytime soon. While the pandemic in 2020 did shift a ton of sales online, e-commerce trends in 2025 seem to build on that momentum to drive more people to online stores. 

The recent trends in commerce have also seen the rise of mobile technology driving younger people to online stores. This has effectively shifted the target demographics for many retail businesses, making mobile-first design essential. 

Looking for the best e-commerce trends to leverage in 2025? You're in the right place. Here's a quick look at the current trends in e-commerce.

December 22, 2022
amasty partner digest p3

Amasty Partner digest | December 2022 (part 3)

We are always open to new collaborations and opportunities. That's why our partner network continues to grow, filled with new members who are committed to making the world of e-commerce even better. 

Here’s the final part of our partner digest, where you can find the companies that have joined our partner network over the past year! 

December 21, 2022
amasty partner digest p2

Amasty Partner digest | December 2022 (part 2)

We are always open for cooperation with other companies and our partner network is constantly expanding. Here’s the 2nd part of our partner digest, where you can find the companies that have joined our family over the past year!
December 14, 2022
best platforms to sell your product online

10 Best Platforms to Sell Your Products Online in 2025

Online shopping is getting more popular by the moment it seems, and many independent business owners and small companies want to promote their products digitally in order to better serve their customers. However, with so many selling options on the internet in today’s world, knowing which platform to work with can be a challenge. We’ll cover the basic features of each platform, what about the platform options appeal to sellers, and things to consider before deciding on a platform. Follow along to learn more.
December 9, 2022
amasty partner digest

Amasty Partner digest | December 2022 (part 1)

We are always looking for new business opportunities and are open to cooperation with other companies. That's why our partner network is constantly evolving. Our partners inspire us to new achievements. They help us develop the most useful and innovative features, and we appreciate the trust they place in us. And today, we're proud to introduce you to some of the companies that have joined our family over the past year! Let's get into part 1.
December 7, 2022

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro
