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To synchronize data between Magento server and non-Magento source, a developer needs to manually check files via admin panel or create the code anew. It is time-consuming, as it is a very repetitive and boring process that negatively impacts developer productivity.
Utilize API methods to manage your product attachments effectively. With the add-on, you can create, update, and delete downloadable items, as well as get the list of all existing attachments or a single one by its ID. View and analyze detailed reports on file downloads due to the advanced attachment manager tool.
Save time by managing attachments outside Magento
Reduce the costs of maintaining multiple systemsstore analysis
Minimize possible attachments management errors
Simplify attachments management
The convenience of data processing is significant for store owners with multiple systems, as it takes a lot of time and effort to control them separately. With Amasty API add-on, it is possible to upload and manage files via API outside your Magento 2 instance, which speeds up and improves attachments management greatly.
Perform multiple API operations
Utilize API methods to manage your product attachments effectively. With the add-on, you can create, update, and delete downloadable items, as well as get the list of all existing attachments or a single one by its ID. View and analyze detailed reports on file downloads due to the advanced attachment manager tool.
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