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For more details see how the SMTP Email Settings for Magento 2 extension works.

Ultimate Guide for Magento 2 SMTP Email Settings

Send only reliable emails from a popular local hosting or a custom Magento 2 SMTP server. Run tests before emails dispatch to make sure that customers and partners receive all emails you send.

  • Secure Magento 2 SMTP authentication and connection
  • Pre-defined settings for popular email service providers
  • Debug mode for email testing
  • Log all sent emails and view any message in detail
  • Significantly decrease email rejection

Extension Configuration

To configure Magento 2 SMTP server, please go to StoresConfigurationSMTP Email Settings

General Settings

Enable SMTP For E-mail - When set to ‘No’ this setting disables all features of the module including debug and emails log.

Log Outgoing Mail - Set this option to ‘Yes’ to log all emails sent from Magento. The feature enables you to view the list of the emails, including the contents at any time.

Enable Debug Mode - Debug information can help to set up emails dispatch. Please disable the debug option when emails sending works properly.

Disable E-mail Delivery - Set this option to ‘No’ to send out emails. When set to ‘Yes’, emails will not be sent. The system will ‘pretend’ that it is sending emails - the messages will still be added to the log and you will see all debug info. It’s helpful for testing the system.

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SMTP Basic Configuration

SMTP Provider - Choose your SMTP provider and click ‘Autofill’ to fill in some fields automatically. This way you can connect your Magento 2 store to Gmail SMTP. Select ‘Other’ if you own a server.

Server Address - Specify the hostname or IP address of the server.

Port - Define the port number.

Authentication Method - Set the required method:

  • Login/Password
  • OAUTH2 Client ID (Google)
  • OAUTH2 Service Account (Google)

For Login/Password

Login - Specify your login in this field.

Password - Define a password for your login.

For OAUTH2 Client ID (Google)

Client Email, Client ID, Client Secret and Refresh Token should be provided by Google. Read in this section how to get these credentials.

For OAUTH2 Service Account (Google)

Service Email - provide the email for SMTP configuration generated by Google.

Service Account Credentials - upload the credentials in the json format. Check ow to get the credentials in this section.

Connection Security - Specify the protocol used for secure communication (the field can be filled automatically).

Use Another Email Sender - Choose Yes, if you want to replace the sender email (the option is available only when the SMTP Provider is defined as “Other”).

When Use Another Email Sender is set to Yes, two additional fields will appear: Sender Email and Sender Name.

Sender Email - Define a new sender email for which the original sender email will be changed.

Sender Name - Specify the name of a new sender.

Send Test E-mail To - Specify an email for the test and click the ‘Check Connection’ button to run a test and make sure that you filled in the correct data and the setup works well. As a result, you should get the ‘Connection Successful’ message and receive a test email.

OAuth 2.0 for Google Client ID

To get credentials for setting up a new authentication method OAUTH2 Client ID (Google), first of all, log in to your Google account and go here.

You need to create a new project. To do this, click the Select a project dropdown and hit New Project button.

Set project name, organization and location. Click Create.

Choose newly created project in the Select a project dropdown.

Navigate to APIs & Services → Dashboard.

Proceed to the Library section.

Choose Gmail API.

Hit the Enable button.

Now you need to create credentials. Click the appropriate button in the right corner.

Select the client ID credential type.

Hit the Configure Consent Screen button.

Select the Internal user type and click Create.

Now fill in the required fields (App Name, User Support Email, Email Addresses), then Save and continue.

Proceed to Add or remove scopes.

In the appeared popup, select all items and click Update.

Save the changes.

Go back to dashboard.

Proceed to Credentials section.

Create new credentials using OAuth Client ID.

Specify Application type, Name and Authorized redirect URLs (for tests we used the following one:

Your Client ID and Client Secret have been generated. Copy them.

Now go to the specified in the settings URL - Open the settings, hit the Use your own OAuth credentials checkbox and paste the copied values.

In the list of methods, find the Gmail API v1 and select

Then click Authorize APIs.

Choose the required Google account and hit Allow in the next window.

On the appeared page, click Exchange Authorization code for tokens.

Thus, you get the Refresh Token. Copy it.

Now you have all credentials and may configure the extension.

Choose the OAUTH2 Client ID (Google) authorization method and fill in the data you got.

Save and test the connection.

OAuth 2.0 for Google Service Account

Service account only works for G-Suite user, it doesn't work for personal Gmail accounts. It means that use any Google user can create service account, but G-Suite administrator has to authorize it in G-Suite Admin Console to access user mailbox.

To get the credentials, go to Google Developers Console.

Create a new project as described for the client ID configuration.

If ready, open this project and proceed to Credentials → Manage service accounts.

Hit the Create Service Account button.

Provide Service account name and Service account ID. Click Create.

Go to Service account permissions → Project → Owner.

In the Grant users access to this service account section you can keep click Done without the changes.

Now the account is created. Go back to your service account, navigate to Edit → Show Domain-wide Delegation, check Enable G-Suite Domain-wide Delegation, input a name for product oauth consent, click Save.

Go back to your service account again, click Create Key, you can select “p12” or “json” key type. For the extension, you need json file format. Generate the file with the private key and save the file to local disk.

Now add upload the file at the Magento admin panel and specify the generated service account email in the appropriate field.

How to replace an email sender?

Changing of email sender will help you to avoid email overflowing: the email you usually use won't be shown to customers - they will see another sender email instead.

Note! The option, that allows you to change the email sender, is available only if you have your own SMTP server.

Complete two easy steps to replace the sender's email:

Step 1. Specify the value Other in the field SMTP Provider .

Step 2. Set the option Use another Email Sender to Yes, then specify the Sender Email and the Sender Name fields. You can use either an existing email or a fake one.

Make sure, you use the same domain, from which you send the mails. If the domains will differ, your mail will be considered as spam and your mail server will get into the ban.

Automatic Log Clearing

Old log records can be removed after a certain period (in days). If you set the auto clean to 0, the option won't be applied.

Sent Emails Log

To see the list of sent emails please go to ReportsSMTP Email Settings sectionSMTP Sent Emails Log.

In the log you can see the email subject, the date when it was sent, recipient email, and email status. Click ‘View’ to see the email content.

View Sent Emails

After clicking 'View' on the Sent Emails grid you can see the content of the selected email.

Debug Log

To see the extension debug log please go to ReportsSMTP Email Settings sectionSMTP Debug Log.

At this page you can find out if emails are sent and what errors if any, occur. This data will help you to configure the module. It’s recommended to disable the Debug Mode once you’ve successfully setup the module and run the necessary tests.

What is SPF Record and How to Configure it

Please be aware that it is not mandatory to setup SPF record, however doing so you will increase the chance of email delivery.

Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email validation system created to prevent email spam on the Internet by detecting email spoofing (creation of emails with forged sender addresses).

SPF technology consists of two parts - SPF-record in DNS (Domain Name System) zone of your domain; - email server component of the message recipient or the component of its spam combating system; SPF record is configured by email sender. It contains information about the servers that are allowed to send emails from your domain name.

Although SPF record is optional, today due to the spam issue most email servers may refuse to accept your email without this record or mark it as suspicious or unwanted.

How to set SPF record for your own SMTP server

If you use your own email server to send emails for your domain (below we use the domain for demonstration) that has IPv4 address xxxx, the SPF record will look like this: IN TXT “v=spf1 a mx ip4:x.x.x.x ~all” IN SPF “v=spf1 a mx ip4:x.x.x.x ~all”

If your server has more than one IPv4 address, you can list them like that: “v=spf1 a mx ip4:x.x.x.x ip4:y.y.y.y ip4:z.z.z.z -all”.

If you use IPv6 addresses, the record will be: “ip6:xx:yy::zz”, where “xx:yy::zz” is the IPv6 of your email server. In this example, the SPF record allows sending emails for the domain from the IP address specified in the «A» record of the domain (a), mail-exchangers of the domain (mx) and from IP address x.x.x.x (ip4:x.x.x.x). The recipient’s server will make the decision whether to mark as spam emails from other senders (~ all).

To restrict sending emails from senders not listed in the SPF record, you can use the “-all” option instead of “~all”. However, in case there are any inaccuracies in your settings you risk to restrict receiving of your mail.

Therefore, use this option only if you are sure that all your settings are correct.

How to set SPF record for Google Apps

If you use Google Apps service to send emails for your domain, the SPF record settings will be slightly different.

The addresses of the email servers that are used by Google Apps can vary and consequently you’ll have to enable Google Apps SPF configuration.

In case you use Google Apps to receive emails, but send emails using your own SMTP server you need to specify it in the SPF record: IN TXT “v=spf1 a mx ip4:x.x.x.x ~all” IN SPF “v=spf1 a mx ip4:x.x.x.x ~all”

If you use Google Apps Service both for sending and receiving emails, the SPF record will be the following: IN TXT “v=spf1 ~all” IN SPF “v=spf1 ~all”

To get more details about SPF settings for Google Apps, click here.

Cron Tasks List

Magento 2 SMTP Email Settings extension is preintegrated with Cron Tasks List to provide store owners with an opportunity to track and manage all cron tasks running in the website background.

To view all scheduled and executed cron tasks, go to System → Cron Tasks List

Run all cron tasks and generate their schedule by clicking the ‘Run Cron’ button. Also you can delete separate tasks in bulk, apply filtering and sorting options when it is needed.

Find out how to install the SMTP Email Settings extension via Composer.

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magento_2/smtp-email-settings.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/09 13:38 by tihomirova