See the way Shipping Suite for Magento 2 extension works.
Shipping suite is a combination of 3 best shipping managing extensions: shipping table rates, rules and restrictions. Get all the most beneficial features at once and make your shipping process even more profitable.
Create and customize an unlimited number of convenient shipping methods with individual rates. Configure combinations of the customer’s address, order subtotal, cart weight and price for accurate shipping calculations.
Key settings:
To configure the extension and specify table rates settings, go to Stores → Configuration → Sales → Shipping Methods.
Here you can configure shipping to specific countries, customize an error message, adapt the price and so on.
To configure shipping methods settings, go to Sales → Shipping Table Rates.
You can both create a new shipping method or correct the existing ones. To edit the already created shipping method, just click on it in the table. Delete, Activate or Inactivate methods in the Actions dropdown menu.
To create a new method, click the Add New button.
Create specific shipping rules according to shopping cart attributes and product conditions. Configure additional delivery options, discounts or override rates provided by carriers to improve your business.
Key settings:
To manage shipping rules, go to Sales → Shipping Rules.
You can see the ID of the rules, their Status, Name, shipping Carriers and Methods, Customers Groups, Calculation and Store Views on a handy grid.
Manage all the created shipping rules right on the grid. Edit them or Duplicate in the Action column.
To perform mass actions, select the rules and choose the action needed from the Actions dropdown menu. You can Delete the rules or Change Status to Activate / Inactivate in one click.
Click the Add Rule button to create a new rule.
Use numerous parameters (product, cart, customer attributes) as a base for shipping methods restrictions.
Key settings:
To configure the restrictions, go to Sales → Shipping Restrictions.
On the grid, all the restriction rules are displayed. You can see the ID of the rules, their Status, Name, shipping Carriers and Methods, Customers Groups and Store Views in one place.
Manage all the created shipping restriction rules right on the grid. Edit them or Duplicate in the Action column.
To commit mass actions, select the rules and choose the action needed from the Actions dropdown menu. You can Delete the rules or Change Status to Activate / Inactivate in one click.
Click the Add Rule button to create a new restriction rule.
To manage all the rules and restrictions efficiently, arrange shipping destinations into areas and apply restriction rules to the whole area at once. Include or exclude from the area different countries, states, regions, cities, zip codes, etc. For example, you can easily block delivery for the distant regions by creating the appropriate shipping area that includes such destinations.
Go to Sales → Shipping Areas.
Create and easily manage all shipping areas on a handy grid, where you can see the Name, Description and Status of each area.
Edit or Delete a rule via Select dropdown menu in the Action column.
To perform mass actions, tick the rules and choose the necessary variant from the Actions dropdown. Delete, Duplicate or Change Status in one click.
To create a new area, hit the Add Shipping Area button.
If the Shipping Table Rates method you’ve created is not displayed:
If the For products with different shipping types field in the shipping methods settings is set to “Sum up rates”, but the rates don't sum up:
If the shipping rule you’ve created doesn’t work, please, make sure, that:
To avoid undesirable results, make sure there are no active rules that shouldn't be applied. Let’s check the situation: you have several shipping rules and all of them are set as active. Rule 1 has the highest priority, Rule 2 has lower priority and Rule 3 has the lowest one. That’s how it will work when the cart contents meet all active shipping rules conditions:
Use Conditions tab to restrict the cases of the rule application.
Find out how to install the Shipping Suite for Magento 2 via Composer.