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For more details see how the SEO Toolkit for Magento 2 extension works.

Guide for SEO Toolkit for Magento 2

The extension is a collection of seven efficient SEO tools. It significantly simplifies the process of specifying the meta tags, short and full SEO descriptions, and rich snippets as well as making product URLs unique. Furthermore, you can quickly generate XML and HTML sitemaps for better interaction with Google and customers.

Pager Optimization for Magento 2

General Settings

To enable redirect option, go to Stores→Configuration→ SEO Toolkit

301 Redirects to Home Page - Enable redirect option to avoid duplicating content and make store URLs SEO-friendly.

Enable Redirect from 404 to Search Results - The feature redirects customers to a search result page instead of 404 page not found. For instance, when customers navigate to page, which does not exist (404 not found), the extension redirects them to a page with shorts search results.

Custom URL Key for Default Search Results Page - set to Yes if you want to use the neat and easy-to-read URL to display in search results. URL will look 'search/yellow' instead of 'catalogsearch/results/q=yellow'

Search Results Page URL Key - specify the URL key that will indicate that this URL is a search result.

Pagination Settings

Add Link Rel=“next/prev” - This option is visible only if the Use Canonical to ‘View All' for Paginated Pages is set to 'No’. The feature provides precise pagination: the links are grouped with the sequences and not dispersed between pages. Customers receive the first page of the series: e.g. instead of If you are interested in more details, see Googleblog

Add Page Number to Meta Title/Description - The feature adds page numbers to meta titles/descriptions to fasten the work of search crawlers and the index building process.

  • Adds the Page Number at the end of the Meta Title, for instance, Apparel | Page 5
  • Adds the Page Number at the end of the Meta Description, e.g. Apparel Description | Page 5

SEO Toolbar

Enable SEO Toolbar - The feature helps quickly make the SEO analysis of any page.

Show Only for IP - Enable display the SEO statistics only for the page with the entered IP.

The SEO Toolbar provides the following page statistics on the front-end: robots meta header, canonical URL compliance, number of H1 tags, meta title, description and keywords, images alt tag, in-page links, iframes, microformats tags, tags, page content state and applied meta tags template.

Add Advanced Reviews - Install the Advanced Product Reviews for Magento 2 extension to get higher search ranking positions, engage customers, and build up trust in your business.

Products' SEO

The extension also adds several extra configs for Products Search Engine Optimization. To access them, please go to Catalog → Products → (any product name) → Edit→ Search Engine Optimization tab in Products' configs.

URL Key, Meta Title, Meta Keywords, Meta Description - the default Magento's SEO options.

Canonical Link - set the URL that will be used as a canonical link for a specific product.

Robots - choose the appropriate options on what directions will be given to Google crawlers via Robots file.


With the extension, it is also possible to add Canonical Links and adjust Robots settings for CMS pages. To do this, please go to Content → Pages → (choose any cms page) → Edit → Search Engine Optimization tab' configs. These settings can be configured the same way, as it was described before in the 'Products' SEO' section.


The module allows you to configure custom redirects to meet your business demands. To do that, please go to Marketing → Amasty SEO Toolkit → Manage Redirects. The Redirects functionality allows you to create various redirect types, use wildcards redirects, create redirects for 404 error pages, and assign redirects for various store views.

On the Redirects grid, you can see all redirects that are created for this store.

To add a redirect, please click the Add New Redirect button.

Status - turn the switch to Enabled, to apply redirect.

Request Path - here, insert the URL of origin page that should be redirected.

Target Path - enter the URL of the end page, to which the user will be redirected.

You can use wildcards to indicate the 'any path' option. Use the wildcard symbol * to activate it.
For example, you need to create the redirect for all URLs that start with'men/tops-men/' to URLs that start with 'men/tops/'.

To do that, fill the settings as follows:

Request Path:


Target Path:


Redirect Type - choose if you want the URL to be moved permanently as 301 redirect, or temporary as 302 found redirect.

Use for 404 Pages Only - set to Yes if this redirect applies only to pages with 404 error.

Description - write an explanation for the redirect. This is handy if you need to maintain a large number of redirects. A clear description that states the redirect's purpose saves lots of time on redirects maintenance.

Store Views - select, on what store view level the redirect will be applied. You can create a custom redirect for a specific store view if needed.

Priority - in case of several redirects that have an identical Request Path, the redirect with the highest priority will be executed. 1 is the highest priority.

HTML Sitemap for Magento 2

Go to the HTML Sitemap for Magento 2 guide page to configure the plugin.

  • Add various products and categories to a sitemap;
  • Add CMS-pages and additional links to a sitemap;
  • Add a search box to a sitemap;
  • Specify a sitemap layout;

Google Rich Snippets for Magento 2

Go to the Google Rich Snippets for Magento 2 guide page to configure the plugin.

  • Enrich site presentation in organic search;
  • Include breadcrumbs, company name, logo in snippets;
  • Include rating, minimal price, and stock status in snippets;
  • Add a search box;

Meta Tags Templates for Magento 2

Go to the Meta Tags Templates for Magento 2 guide page to configure the plugin.

  • Specify meta info, keywords and H1 tag for products & categories;
  • Use handy templates with variables;
  • Set short and full product descriptions;
  • Set unique meta data for any page by URL;

Unique Product URL

Go to the Unique Product URL for Magento 2 guide page to configure the plugin.

  • Set the desired length of product URLs
  • Specify the criteria to choose the product path
  • Avoid multiple secondary links with canonical URL
  • Improve breadcrumbs on product pages
Please note that the extension doesn't enable full breadcrumbs if they are not available on your site. It just changes their formation logic. For this configuration to work, full breadcrumbs should be displayed by default.

XML Google Sitemap for Magento 2

Go to the XML Google Sitemap for Magento 2 guide page to configure the plugin.

  • add or remove group of pages
  • set frequency of updates for each group of pages
  • specify priority of importance for group of links
  • add images with titles and templates

Cross Linking for Magento 2

Go to the Cross Linking for Magento 2 guide page to configure the plugin.

  • automatically generate the internal links to the product and category pages
  • automatically generate the external links to any site
  • limit the number of links per page (product, category, CMS)
  • specify variations of keywords
  • auto replace the modified keywords with links

Cron Tasks List

Magento 2 SEO Toolkit extension is preintegrated with Cron Tasks List to provide store owners with an opportunity to track and manage all cron tasks running in the website background.

To view all scheduled and executed cron tasks, go to System → Cron Tasks List

Run all cron tasks and generate their schedule by clicking the ‘Run Cron’ button. Also you can delete separate tasks in bulk, apply filtering and sorting options when it is needed.

Alt Tags Generator

Please note, that this functionality is available only for the Pro and Premium pricing plans of the SEO Solution.

Alt tags provide context to what an image is displaying, informing search engine crawlers and allowing them to index an image correctly.

With our Alt Tags Generator, you can automatically generate Alt Tags for product and category images in bulk. This way your images (and hence your products) will be more visible and understandable for search engines.

Alt Tag Rules Grid

To start Alt Tags generation you need to create Alt Tags rules. Please, navigate to Marketing → Amasty AltTagGenerator → Alt Tag Rules (Products).

From this grid, you can manage the Alt Tag rules and create new ones. Please note, that when you open this page for the first time the grid will be empty.

Create an Alt Tag Rule

To create a rule, please click the Add New Rule button above the grid.

Enabled - Set to ‘Yes’ to enable the functionality.

Title - Specify the title for the rule.

Priority - Set the rule priority. If a product meets conditions in several templates, the alt tag template with the highest priority will be applied. 0 is the highest priority.

Stores - In this tab, you can specify the store view to apply the rule.

Alt Tag Replacement Logic - Here you can choose the logic for the automatic Alt texts adding to the images. Three options are available:

  • Only Replace Empty Alt Text - the Alt text will be added if the image doesn’t have the alt tag.
  • Replace Filled Alt Text - the new Alt text will replace the existing Alt Text.
  • Append to Existing Alt Text - the new Alt text will be added to the existing Alt text.

Alt Tag Template - In this tab, you can specify the Alt tag template using variables

Example: Buy {name} [by {manufacturer|brand}] [of {color} color] [for only {price}] [in {categories}] at [{store},] {website}. Available variables:

  • Image Number Increment (for products with several images) - {N}
  • Name - {name}
  • Category - {category}
  • All Categories - {categories}
  • Store View - {store_view}
  • Store - {store}
  • Website - {website}
  • Price - {price}
  • Special Price - {special_price}
  • Final Price - {final_price}
  • Final Price with Tax - {final_price_incl_tax}
  • Price From (bundle) - {startingfrom_price}
  • Price To (bundle) - {startingto_price}
  • Brand - {brand}
  • Color - {color}

You can use any product code as a variable {attribute_code} to display its value. Please make sure that the attribute is used in the product listing.

Products Subselection - In this tab, you can specify the conditions to select the products to which the Alt Tag template will be applied.

Click the Preview Products or Hide Products buttons to preview or hide the products list to which the Alt Tag rule will be applied.

If everything is correct - Save the rule.

Find out how to install the SEO Toolkit extension for Magento 2 via Composer.
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magento_2/seo_toolkit.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/29 12:30 by kkondrateva