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See the way Request a Quote for Magento 2 extension works.

Ultimate Guide for Magento 2 Request a Quote

Boost sales revenue by understanding and meeting customer demand with Magento 2 Quote. Strengthen your competitive position with the personalized purchasing offer.

  • Create quotes in one click from product or category pages
  • Let customers request quotes for unlimited products quantity
  • Provide individualized pricing based on customer details
  • Efficiently manage all requests on a quotations grid
  • Negotiate over the prices in a convenient way
  • Convert Magento 2 quotes into orders in a few simple steps
  • Hide prices for specific products or whole categories

General Settings

To configure general settings, go to Stores → Configuration → Amasty Extensions → Request a Quote.

General Tab

The extension allows to choose specific customer groups that will be able to request quotes and create them from product or category pages. It also allows to disable quotation for specific product categories.

Enable ‘Request a Quote’ - set to Yes to enable the extension.

‘Add to Quote’ button on Product Page - Show ‘Add to Quote’ button if you want your customers to be able to add products to quote cart right from the product page. If not, Hide the button.

‘Add to Quote’ button on Category Page - Show ‘Add to Quote’ button if you want to let your customers add products to quote requests from the category page. If not, Hide the button.

Disable Quotation for Categories - specify product categories for which quote requests will be disabled. 'Add to Quote' button will be hidden for each product from the selected categories.

Allow Quote Request for Customer Groups - specify the customer groups to allow quote requests.

If 'Not Logged In' option is chosen, guest users will insert email addresses upon quote submission and accounts will be created automatically.

Note, that all necessary for registration fields from the Stores → Configuration → Customers → Customer Configuration → Name and Address Options will also be shown on the quote cart for unregistered users. This way, all the customer information will be collected.

Also, if you are using Magento Commerce, you can create additional Customer Attributes (Stores → Attributes → Customer) for unregistered users, which will be displayed in the quote request form and will be saved in a Customer Account.

If 'Not Logged In' option is not chosen you will be proposed to fill in the following fields:

In such a case, guest visitors will be asked to log in to add products to quote.

Allow to change Price in Quote Cart - set 'No' to disable price changing for customers in Quote Cart. Automatic quote approval will be disabled as well. The feature is useful in case a customer wants to ask for a duscount and get a quote for Magento 2 order, but doesn't know exactly what price to set.

If Amasty Hide Price is enabled, a customer will see the price as N/A. In the admin panel, the quote will be submitted with 0 price. Please make sure to check the quote before approving.

Approve Quotes Automatically - this option allows you to approve quotes automatically if the discount of the submitted quote is less than the specified percentage amount.

if Quote Discount is Less than (%) - specify the discount percentage amount for automatic quotes approving. The discount is calculated for the entire quote (not for separate products). Note: discount calculation is based on prices excluding tax.

Cost Attribute - choose which attribute will be used as ‘Cost’ attribute. This option will make the decision-making process easier (whether approve or not the quote), because admin will see the difference between requested price and product’s cost.

Expiration & Reminder Tab

The extension allows to set default expiration period for quote requests.

Quote Expiration - Set default period in days for quote to be valid once approved. For zero and higher this value can be set for each quote individually. Keep empty to disable Magento quote lifetime.

Send Reminder Email after Day(s) - Set default period in days to send reminder once quote approved. For zero and higher this value can be set for each quote individually. Keep empty to disable reminder.

Admin Notifications

With the extension it is possible to configure different notification emails. Admin will get email reports with new quote requests.

Send Email Reports for New Quote Requests - Choose the option to enable emails to admin with the quote requests that have been recently created or updated. You can notify your admins instantly or set a custom notification schedule.

Frequency - If a custom option is chosen, set the necessary frequency: notify admins Daily, Weekly or Monthly.

Start Time - customize the particular time for notifications.

Admin Email Address - Input an email address, the extension will send notifications to.

Email Template to Notify Admin - Select the appropriate template for the email notifications.

Email Sender - specify your company’s email from which the notifications will be sent.

Customer Notifications

Customers will get notifications when their quotes are created, modified, accepted or expired. Also choose Email Templates to notify you customers that their quote has been Submitted, Approved, Modified, Cancelled or Expired.

To create templates, go to Stores → Marketing → Communications → Email Templates.


The quotes can be downloaded in PDF format both from backend and frontend. In addition, you can automatically attach PDF to the Approved Quote customer notification and configure PDF content according to your needs on the store view level.

To use PDF functionality, please install the library dompdf/dompdf. To do this, run the command “composer require dompdf/dompdf” in the main site folder.

Quote Requests Management

From the admin panel your can see and manage all the request quotes in a convenient grid, accept/reject a quote or suggest a new best-suited price.

Go to Stores → Sales → Amasty Request a Quote → Quotes.

You can see the ID of the quotes, their Purchase point, Purchase Date, Status and Grand Totals.

To Approve or Cancel/Close several quotes in one click, tick them and choose the necessary action in the Actions dropdown menu.

Click View to see detailed information about quote requests. You can Edit and Approve the quotes with Pending status.

Click Create New Quote to create a quote on behalf of customer. After approving a quote it will be visible at customer account page, in 'My Quotes' section.

Usage Example

To manage all the quotes properly, let’s consider an example of a particular quote management from the very beginning.

Step 1. Creating a Quote by a Customer

First, your customers create quotes from the product or category pages via Add to Quote button.

The module allows displaying 'Add To Quote' button for custom product types.

Also, customers can move items to quote straight from their Shopping Cart via 'Request a Quote' button.

Then they go to their Quote Carts to view and edit their quote requests.

Magento 2 Quote Extension allows your customers request a quote for unlimited products quantity.

There customers specify the price they want to request, items quantity, add some notes that describe their requests in the Remarks field and Submit Quote.

If you allowed 'Not Logged In' users to create quotes, they will have to provide additional details before quote submission:

Online buyers are also able to Add Notes per item, Clear Quotes and Update Quotes right from the cart.

Magento 2 Quote Extension allows shoppers to request quotes for Simple, Configurable, Downloadable, Virtual, Grouped and Bundle product types.
If a customer edits products in a Quote Cart, previous items are removed and replaced with the new ones together with new values. Thus, keep in mind, that the previous custom price is not saved.

Step 2. Managing a Quote from the Admin Panel

When the quote has been submitted, you will immediately see it on the grid with the Pending status.

Click View to see the detailed quote information. You can Approve, Edit the quote or Download PDF copy of it.

Here all the information about the customer and the quote request is displayed.

Product Price displays a real price at the store. Customer’s request is shown in the Price column. Row Total is also displayed according to customer’s price.

Also, it is possible to request quotes for products with tier pricing. In this case, the extension takes tier pricing into account and automatically offers best price for your customers. If a user wants to quote for a lower price, you can сheck the Tier Price and the suggested by a customer price in one place.

View the information about a customer and easily evaluate when the account was created and how much has the customer spent during that time.

Hit the Approve button if the quote terms are satisfactory for you. You can also Edit the quote if needed.

Note, that you can set the Expiry and Reminder date only after the quote was Approved. Other options can be edited either before you approve the quote or after that.

Edit products’ Price and Quantity in the appropriate fields, set Expiry and Reminder date, leave Remarks.

Apply Additional Discount/Surcharge to the quote. Insert a percent number of discount/surcharge and it will be applied to the whole quote.

If you don’t want to offer a special price for some particular product, remove it in one click via Action dropdown menu.

To edit products’ size and color, press the Configure button.

With the extension you are also able to add products to your customers’ quotes. Click Add Products.

Choose the products to add. The configuration field where you can specify the size, color and quantity will be displayed automatically.

Click Add Selected Product(s) to Quote.

Check in advance on a Product Page that added items have Inventory Source specified for selected store view. If Inventory Source is not specified, the product cannot be displayed at the storefront, and it will also be impossible to create a quote both as customer and admin.

Click Update Items and Quantities to preview all the products and the subtotal of the quote. Provide a Note for the Quote to give a customer important or additional information about your offer.

In addition to this, it is possible to set custom shipping addresses, methods and custom fees right from the editing page. To do this, tick the Configure Shipping hitbox.

In the Address Information tab you can select one of the existing billing or shipping addresses or create new ones. Also, edit any customer info if needed.

Proceed to the Shipping Information section.

Here you can select one of the preconfigured shipping methods or set a custom fee for delivery. Allow or disallow chosen Shipping Address and Method to be modified on checkout.

Save Quote and then Approve it.

After the approval, you are able to convert a quote to order without leaving the page.

Step 3. Quote Confirmation

Customers can easily track and manage quote requests in their accounts. In My Quotes tab the ID, Date, Quote Total, Status and Expiry Date for each quote will be displayed.

If a quote is approved by the admin, the customer can Move to Cart all the products right from the grid.

Customers can also View Quotes details and Download PDF version of quotes.

If the suggested terms of the quote are not acceptable, the customer can Cancel the request.

In case the offered prices are satisfactory, the customer is able to Move to Shopping Cart or directly Move to Checkout all products with the custom prices in one click.

Customers are not allowed to edit the quotes with Approved status.

You will see the Complete or Canceled Status on the grid in your admin panel.

Creating a Quote by Admin

Store admin can create a quote from the Quotes grid, using the Create New Quote button.

Choose a customer from the grid or create a new one using the button.

Select the necessary store for order to create.

It's possible to create quote in admin panel for a customer from any store view (even if he/she doesn't belong to the corresponding website). The customer will be duplicated to the necessary store.

On this step you can add product to quote, adjust prices add edit the necessary customer info.

Also, admin users can create quote themselves right from the orders grid.

To do this, go to Admin Panel → Sales → Orders.

Choose the order and click Select button in the Actions column. Clone as Quote option will appear.

Now it is possible to edit the price and the quantity.

Hide Price

Magento 2 Request a Quote extension is preintegrated with Hide Price package. It provides you with the capability to use all Hide Price benefits according to your needs: disable ordering, hide prices for particular products or customer groups, etc. which will bring even more involving of potential buyers into pricing negotiations.

General Settings

To configure Hide Price settings go to Stores → Configuration → Amasty Extensions → Hide Price:

To run the module on Magento 2.3, Zend DOM package should be installed. Please, run the following command in the SSH: composer require zendframework/zend-dom

Enable Extension - set the option to 'Yes' to activate the extension.

Hide Price for Selected Group(s) - select a customer group (groups) for which the prices in selected above categories will be hidden.

Hide Price for Selected Category(s) - select a category (categories) in which all product prices will be hidden.

IMPORTANT: If you don't want to hide prices for whole categories you can easily hide them for specific products. Simply open the necessary product page here ProductsCatalog and disable price visibility. Here you can also specify a customer group for which the product price won't be available.

If you hide prices for whole product categories and customer groups, you can exclude specific products and customers from the price display limitation.

Don't Apply to Product ID's - specify product ID's to which price display limitations won't be applied.

Don't Apply to Customer ID's - specify customer ID's to which price display limitations won't be applied.

The following email settings will be used when a store administrator replies to a customer quote request via email.

Email Sender for Admin Reply - select a sender contact for store admin notifications.

Email Template for Admin Reply - select an email template for admin notifications.

If the price is configured to be hidden, the customer will not see this price in quote cart as well.

Hide Price - enable the option to hide prices for selected products or product categories.

Hide Add to Cart - set the option to 'Yes' to remove the “Add to Cart” button.

Hide Add to Wishlist - This setting lets you hide/display the “Add to Wishlist” option.

Hide Add to Compare - Enable/disable adding products to the comparison.

You can let shoppers add products to wishlists and compare even when their price is hidden.

Frontend Options

Hide Price Text - specify a custom text that will be used for a custom button instead of the “Add to Cart” option.

Custom CSS Styles for “Hide Price Link” - you can customize the button display (which is used instead of “Add to Cart”).

Upload an Image - upload any image you need to show it instead of a price.

Link URL - by default we've already specified a “Get a Quote” form code here (once a customer clicks on a custom button the form will be shown), but you can insert any link you need to redirect customers to the necessary store page.

Below you'll see the example of a 'Hide Price' popup.

Add Magento 2 Custom Form to create custom quote request forms of various types, specifying additional information you need to generate a special price offering. Use a handy constructor to generate multiple forms in no time and customize each form to meet your needs.

Admin Email Notifications

The module lets you notify admin users about new 'Get a Quote' requests via email.

Send Email to - specify an email address to which a new quote request notification will be sent. Leave Empty to Disable Notifications.

Email Sender - select an email sender contact.

Email Template - select an email template that will be used for admin user notifications.

Auto Reply Email Options

Use auto replies to quote requests to inform customers that their request is delivered and is being processed.

Enable - set to 'Yes' to activate the Auto reply option.

Email Sender - select an email contact from which auto replies will be sent.

Email Template - select an email template that will be used for auto replies.

Please view Magento 2 Hide Price User Guide for more options

Compatibility with AJAX Shopping Cart

The extension is fully compatible with AJAX Shopping Cart.

Employ Magento 2 AJAX Shopping Cart to add more advanced options to your Request a Quote extension. For example:

  • Show confirmation pop-up with the product info

  • Enable flying effect for add to the quote process to engage customers even more

  • Let customers specify the options of the simple products right in a dialog window

  • Show related products or cross-sells in the confirmation pop-up

Cron Tasks List

Magento 2 Request a Quote extension is preintegrated with Cron Tasks List to provide store owners with an opportunity to track and manage all cron tasks running in the website background.

To view all scheduled and executed cron tasks, go to System → Cron Tasks List

Run all cron tasks and generate their schedule by clicking the ‘Run Cron’ button. Also you can delete separate tasks in bulk, apply filtering and sorting options when it is needed.


API Methods

API methods allow admin to connect quote requests and proposals to and from other systems such as ERP and CRM.

The following methods are available:

Using API methods, you can Get Quote, Approve Quote, Expire Quote, Add Quote Comment and Add Quote Item Note.

PUT request - to update a particular quote;

GET request - to retrieve data from a server.

Find out how to install the Request a Quote for Magento 2 via Composer.

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magento_2/request_a_quote.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/23 10:38 by asemenova