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For more details see how the Product Feed extension works.

Guide for Product Feed for Magento 2

Create product feeds for Google Shopping, Nextag, Bing, Amazon and many other comparison shopping engines to attract more customers and drive sales to your Magento store.

  • Ready-made feed templates for most popular shopping engines
  • Automatic and manual feed generation
  • Flexible feed configuration to comply with all shopping engines
  • Ability to set particular time for feed generation
  • Unlimited number of product feeds
  • Include condition-based attributes into your feeds

Creation of product feeds

To create a product feed, please go to Catalog → 'Feeds' section → Profiles.

When you create a feed, you can use ready-made templates. In this case, the feed will contain all the basic settings for a certain shopping search engine. You can do any custom adjustments while creating a feed or you can do them later.

To duplicate, generate and delete feeds in bulk select the feeds you need, click the button Actions and choose the action.

The link to the generated feed is displayed on the grid. Click the Copy Link button to immediately get it.

Set up feed for Google and Facebook with Feed wizard

Watch the guide - get your prod feeds verified by Google on the first try:

Since Facebook is using the same feed format and tags as Google, the feed profile we're going to create here will work for both Google and Facebook.

To easily create a feed with a wizard in 7 short steps, go to Feeds and click the Setup Google Feed button.

Step 1: General settings

To start setting up Google Feed, configure the General Settings.

Feed Name - specify feed name.

File name - fill in the feed file name.

Status - here you can activate or deactivate the feed.

Store View - select which store view to take attribute values from. It's very useful when you have a multilingual store, for example, so you can create feeds using the names or descriptions in specific languages.

Price Currency - specify the currency. If you have a multistore configuration with different currencies set for each store, then this setting will make the Feed fetch product prices in the currency assigned to the specific store.

Exclude Disabled Products - set to Yes to exclude products with the disabled status from the feed.

Exclude Out of Stock Products - enable the option if you don't want to include out of stock products to the feed.

Exclude Not Visible Products - set to Yes to skip not visible products so that they won't be included in the feed.

Step 2: Exclude Categories

Carefully review all the categories listed below and select those you want to exclude from your product feed by checking the corresponding checkbox(es). Excluded categories will not be mapped to Google Taxonomies and won't be included in the generated feed.

To speed up the process, select or deselect all categories at once.

Step 3: Rename Categories

To map your category to category in Google taxonomy, simply click on the category name and insert suitable category path from Google taxonomy.

To match Google requirements, set the necessary Google Taxonomy source and easily rename the categories with the autocomplete function.

Step 4: Basic Product Information

Specify the basic attributes you want to output in the feed.

Wizard will have all fields already filled for you so you can skip to the next step if you don't want to make any changes. But in case you want, for example, to use short description instead of the description in your feed, choose it from the dropdown menu:

The same can be applied to all other attributes.

Step 5: Optional Product Information

Here specify the optional product attributes to output in the feed.

Just as in previous step here we see a list of attributes. But this time which attributes to use greatly depends on what you are selling. Google has different requirements for data that should be included in the feed. The requirements depend on your store location and the type of products you export from Magento in product feed.

For example, if you sell apparel and the Condition tag is set to New in your products, you will need to have attributes gtin, mpn and brand in the feed.

Brand should be set manually. For example, in our case, we have the brand info saved in the manufacturer attribute, so we choose it in the drop-down.

Step 6. Schedule Settings

Choose the automatic feed updating or set the necessary frequency manually. When you choose to generate feed by schedule, also specify the precise day or several days and time of its generation.

Step 7. Upload to Google Server

In the following example we're going to set up a feed to be uploaded to the Google servers daily, once a day, using SFTP in fully-automatic mode. We should start from the Google Merchant account setup. Add a new feed:

A test feed will do for now, but please keep in mind that test feeds can't be used in AdWords campaigns:

Since we're going to upload our feed files to Google server, Upload is what we need here:

The next one is important because the name of the feed file you set here should match the actual name of the file you're going to upload to Google. File name should correspond the one you specified in the Step 1.

In the Google Merchant dashboard, go to Settings (near your profile avatar) > SFTP / FTP / GCS:

Click Reset password and save the password. Now, on the SFTP settings page we can get the server address and login:

Return to the Product Feed extension, step 7. Set Enable tab to Yes.

Enter the data you have received from the Google Merchant dashboard.

Here also goes the filename you've set in the Google Merchant feed settings.

In the tab Protocol choose the upload method. If FTP is set, you can enable or disable the Passive Mode below. Here’s how the configured step 7 may look like:

As you click Save and Start Generation, the feed profile will open and the feed generation will start, and because we configured the SFTP upload, the feed will go to the Google server, too.

After the file is uploaded to the Google server, it will be automatically processed.

It is also possible to generate feed via CLI. To get the list of profiles, use the following command:

To start the generation of the profile, execute this one:

feed\:profile:generate PROFILE_ID 

Add New Feed

To choose a template or to create a custom feed, go to the Catalog → 'Feeds' section → Profiles and click Add New Feed.


Specify the General Information about a new feed.

Name - specify feed name.

File name - fill in the feed file name.

Type - choose product feed format (XML, CSV or TXT).

Store - select for which store view you want to create the feed.

Status - here you can activate or deactivate the feed.

Compress - you can set to compress the feed to Zip, Gz or Bz format when it generates and uploads to the server.

Exclude Disabled Products - set to Yes to exclude products with the disabled status from the feed.

Exclude Out of Stock Products - enable the option if you don't want to include out of stock products to the feed.

Exclude Not Visible Products - set to Yes to skip not visible products so that they won't be included in the feed.


The Content tab allows configuring product data that are included in the product feed. The functionality of the tab depends on the format you select at the ‘General’ tab. If you choose CSV or TXT format, you will get fields for entering the feed header, attribute, format and parent information.

Columns Names - set to Yes to show columns names.

Header - fill in the information about the header.

Fields enclosed by - choose the symbols to enclose the fields (Double Quote (“), Quote (‘), Space, None).

Fields separated by - specify the symbols to separate the fields (Comma (,), Semicolon (;), Pipe (|), Tab).

Attribute - when you configure product data, you can add a new attribute, image and other entity. For example, add a Price with TAX(VAT) attribute to get more relevant information on the product prices.

Format - here you choose a format of the attribute field (as it is, data format or price format).

Parent - when enabled, simple products which are associated with configurable products will output attribute value from the parent product.

It is also possible to add various modifiers, show or hide them. For example, if the value of the selected attribute is not specified, you can apply 'If Empty' modifier. In this case, the value from this field will be filled in.

If the values of the attribute are specified, but you want to replace them, choose 'If Not Empty' modifier.

Keep in mind, that two different modifiers can't be applied as they will replace each other. So, if you want to replace the values in both cases, choose 'If Empty/Not Empty' modifier.

If you choose XML format, you will get fields for entering the feed header, footer and product information.

Header - used to place some info into the XML header.

The time of the feed generation automatically adds to the header. If you don't need it, you can remove it from the header at any time.

Item - a tag which will wrap each product in the feed.

Content - an XML editor where XML tags and attribute codes are inserted.

Tag - XML tag for the entity set up below. To add a line of data to a feed, please enter the attribute XML tag according to the specification of a particular shopping search engine (e.g. for XML tag will be g:price).

Optional (available only for XML feeds) - use the option to exclude an attribute which have an empty value for a product from the feed. When set to Yes: the attribute will not be added to the feed for a product for which it has an empty value.

Footer - used to place some info into XML footer.

Also specify the Attribute, Format and Parent.

It is possible to add modifiers for cases when you need to modify the original values of an attribute. To do this, use ‘Add modifier’ action; select one action from the available range:

  • Strip tags - delete HTML and PHP tags from the line;
  • HTML escape - escape special symbols from the product description;
  • Lowercase - convert all attribute letters to lower case;
  • Uppercase - convert all attribute letters to upper case;
  • Capitalize - make the first uppercase letter;
  • Round - round the number down to a whole following the mathematical rounding rules (0.5 - upwards to 1);
  • If Empty - specify the value to use instead of an empty attribute's value;
  • If Not Empty - fill in the value that will replace the original attribute's value;
  • If Empty/Not Empty - set the algorithm according to which both empty and specified values will be replaced;
  • To secure URL - replace http with https;
  • To unsecure URL - replace https with http.

When you've chosen the modifier, click the Insert button to apply it.

In this example, we apply “HTML Escape” modifier to escape special symbols from the product description. It is important for XML format as special symbols can be treated as part of XML markup and break feed file.

For your convenience, attributes' codes are displayed when selecting an attribute to insert into the product feed.

You can also use a category mapping for any shopping platform. All you need to do is to add a new attribute from the list:

To learn more about category mapping, please, go to the Configure Category Mapping for shopping platforms section.

Format settings

In the Formats section, you can specify the date format for the feed file, choose how many digits should be displayed after delimiter for decimal prices. You can also specify price currency and abbreviation for it.


It's also possible to create a feed for specific products. For example, you can add configurable products in one feed, and simple products to another. At the Conditions tab, you can specify the products that will be included into the feed you are editing.

In our example, we specified the conditions to generate the feed only for the products from the Category 36 and with the Attribute Set 'Bag'.


Decide whether to generate feed manually or by schedule. When you choose to generate feed by schedule, also specify the precise day or several days and time of its generation.

FTP Settings

Enable feed download on the ‘FTP Settings’ tab and enter FTP account credentials where the feed will be uploaded.

Host - FTP\SFTP server hostname or IP address.

User - FTP\SFTP username.

Password - FTP\SFTP password.

Path - path to directory on FTP\SFTP server. The path indicates the directory where this particular feed will be uploaded to, so for the Merchant Center you could try to use the default root path / along with the details provided in the GMC's SFTP settings:

Passive Mode - can enable Passive mode for FTP connections. More on FTP modes here.

Click the Test connection button to check whether the data for the FTP\SFTP connection is correct.


These settings allow you to set utm-parameters, that will be added to the urls in your feed. Thus, you can collect all the sales statistics to your Google Analytics account.

The fields Campaign Source, Campaign Medium and Campaign Name are REQUIRED.

When the feed is configured, press the Preview Feed button to preview the feed before its generation:

Amazon Feeds

Note, that you'll need several feeds to upload and manage your products on Amazon. Please go to Catalog → 'Feeds' section → Profiles and find 4 ready-made Amazon feed templates.

Product feed - contains descriptive information about the products in your catalog. Establishes the mapping between your unique identifier (the SKU) and the Amazon unique identifier (the ASIN: Amazon Standard Identification Number). This is always the first feed to send when listing a new item.

Inventory feed - communicates the current stock levels of the products you are listing on Amazon. Includes values for restock dates as well as your fulfilment latency (the time it will take you to process the order before shipping it).

Pricing feed - sets the current prices for your products, whether the regular (standard) prices or temporary (sale) prices.

Image feed - supplies URLs (on your server) from which Amazon can pull images to associate with your products.

To add a new Amazon feed please follow the same steps as described in the Add New Feed section.
Please view this guide for more information about selling on Amazon.

Configure Category Mapping for shopping platforms

If you need to make changes to your store’s categories to suit the requirements of the platform where you would like to upload your feed (for example, Amazon), please go to сategories section.

Go to Catalog → 'Feeds' section → Categories Mapping

To create new category mapping, please hit on the Add New Categories Mapping button and specify the name and code here.

Exclude Categories and Rename Categories to add them in one click while creating the custom feed. Then click Save.

How does it work?

To IGNORE and exclude particular categories from the feed, CHECK the necessary boxes.

For example, if a product is assigned to the categories “Bags” and “Sale”, the extension will choose the category with the biggest value by default. In our case, it can be “Sale”. If you want to assign the product only to the “Bags” category - select the “Sale” checkbox to ignore it.

If you want to manage a category that will be selected for the product in the feed by yourself, select the categories that you would like to ignore. In this case, if the product is assigned to more than 1 category, the extension will ignore the checked checkboxes.

Condition-Based Attributes

To create a new condition-based attribute, please, go to Catalog → 'Feeds' section → Condition-Based Attributes → Add Condition-Based Attribute button.

Condition-Based Attributes are used to cover special cases: for example, when you need to change some attributes values or replace prices when meeting special conditions. You have the ability to create rule-based values for these fields.

In the example below, we've configured the rule-based attribute: when the product's Size attribute value is XS, the Price attribute for this product will be discounted for 10%.

Let's check the configuration steps:

In the General section, specify the Code and the Name for your condition-based attribute.

Then, determine Conditions for Output Value. On this step, choose attributes and their values that will be a trigger for applying the Output Value, configured below, instead of the original.

To configure the Output Value, choose the attribute option on the Type field. You can choose a certain attribute or specify a custom text. The value in this field should be changed when conditions apply. Specify the Modification to the attribute (text, percentage or fixed value). If the Modification field contains text, the value of the attribute will be replaced with this text.

You can also specify the Default Output Value, that will be used if none of the conditions applies.

When a condition-based attribute is configured, you can insert it to your product feed (available for all formats: xml, csv, txt): {{:magento_2:product_feed:insert-custom-field.png?nolink|

Here are some more examples of the condition-based attributes you can configure:

Example #1

When the “Price” value equals or greater than 50, replace the “Tax Class” value to “Taxable Goods”.

Example #2

Replace the “Size” attribute value for “All Sizes”, when the “Gender” attribute is either “Women” or “Girls”.

General Settings

Go to Admin Panel – Stores – Configuration – Amasty Extensions – Product Feed

Batch Size - specify how many products will be handled during one iteration.

URL with category - to generate an appropriate product feed, switch between shortest and longest URL paths.

Shortest Path — uses the shortest possible path in product URL;

Longest Path — uses the longest possible path in product URL;

Default Rule — utilizes the default Magento 2 rule for URLs, deactivates the extension.

For example, you have a product that is listed in 2 categories, therefore, it's available via two links:




If you choose the Shortest Path, the extension will use the first link, if you select the Longest Path - the second URL will be used.

Products in Feed Preview - specify the number of products you want to be displayed in the feed preview.

Feed Files Storage Folder - please, choose the folder where your generated feeds will be saved: var or media

File Path (Local) - specify the file path.

In the Email Notifications section, specify:

  • Email Sender - choose an email sender from a list of configured email senders in Magento;
  • Email - specify an email to which notifications should be sent. If there are several e-mails, separate them by a comma;
  • Notification Events - select events to send notifications upon;
  • Successful/Unsuccessful Email Template - choose email templates to use for notifications on successful/unsuccessful feed generation by cron.

Enable Multi-Process Generation - Multi-Process Generation significantly boosts the feed generation speed. But it generates extra load to the server as well. We recommend first to run the test feed generation process with the 'multi-process' ON and monitor your server performance. The 'Multi-Process Generation' feature needs the php extension 'pcntl' to be installed on the server. If you enable the feature and no performance boost happens, please ask your hoster/system administrator to check if the 'pcntl' extension installed.

Number of Parallel Processes - adjust the number of parallel processes for the Multi-Process Generation. Note, that the more parallel processes are set, the faster is the feed generation process, as well as the higher is the server load.

In the Cronjob Information section, check the information on the latest cron jobs.

To prevent affecting the execution of other cron tasks, the feed cron job is moved to a separate cron group. It is possible to launch feed cron job by the bin/magento cron:run – group=“amasty_feed” command.

1. How to add custom condition-based attributes to a product feed

Let’s imagine a big web store with a great variety of products. Some products were newly added, and some of them were added a long time ago. At the stage of feed creation, the store owner finds out that the products have two different attributes for manufacturer info. Some products have the Manufacturer attribute filled in, and others have the Brand attribute filled in. The store owner can’t include just one of the attributes in the feed because a part of the products will have it unfilled. The issue will remain the same even if he includes both attributes. In such a case, a smart solution is needed to automatically define which attribute should be added to the feed depending on the product specifics. You can easily solve this problem by adding condition-based attributes.

Step 1.First of all we should check required attributes settings. Please, go to the attribute grid: Stores → Product. Let's start with the Brand Attribute. Choose it from the grid or create it.

Configure the main attribute settings.

Adjust the attribute storefront settings. Note to set 'Yes' at 'Use for Promo Rule Conditions' field.

Now we should configure the Manufacturer Attribute settings.

Step 2. Now you should create a Condition-Based Attribute. Please, go to Catalog → Condition-Based Attributes → Add Condition-Based Attribute.

Fill in the Condition-Based Attribute code and Name. Specify conditions. In this example, we chose the attribute set Bags and the attribute set Gear. Set Output Value and Default Output Value. This way, for the products, which match the conditions the attribute Manufacturer will be included in a product feed. If the products don't match the conditions, the attribute Brand will be included in a feed.

Step 3. Now let's add the Condition-Based Attribute in a product feed. Please, go to the feeds grid Catalog → Feeds → Profiles. Choose the needed feed from the grid. In our example, we chose the Google product feed. Go to Content Section.

Choose <g:brand> in the Content window.

In the Attribute dropdown choose Condition-Based Attributes → Manufacturer depending on attribute set.

Click the 'Update' button. And then save your product feed.

2. How to submit configurable products to Google Merchant

Related help article on Google support site.

To let Google know that simple and configurable products you submit in the feed are related, you should use g:item_group_id tag. Add this tag to your feed profile, set it to output SKU attribute and enable Parent option.

With this setup, Feed extension will export products with same g:item_group_id if they are related, i.e. if they are associated products of the same Configurable Product. Then Google will check g:item_group_id value and treat these products as a variant of the same product.

Best practices:

These are best practices that can help you go beyond the basic requirements to optimize your product data for performance.

  • Use the parent SKU as the item_group_id for all variants of the same product. Don't submit a parent SKU as a separate product. If you'd like to group variants using a parent SKU, use the parent SKU as the value for item_group_id for all products in the variant group.
  • Don’t mix up item_group_id and id attributes. Use the id attribute to uniquely identify a single product, and use item_group_id to group together several products as variants.
  • Don’t submit item_group_id if your product is not a variant. If your product is similar to other products, but not specifically a variant, don’t submit item_group_id. Some examples of products that are not variants include assorted items (a suit consisting of a jacket and pants) or any other set of dissimilar items that are sold together (a set of bath accessories).
  • Use a stable item_group_id for each group of product variants. Once you've assigned an item_group_id to a product, don't change it. If item_group_id changes often, it could cause inconsistency in they way variants are grouped and shown to users.
  • Don’t use item_group_id for unsupported variants. If your product varies by an unsupported attribute (such as car make and model), or if your product is a build-to-order custom good with a large number of variants (more than 30), then don't use item_group_id to indicate your variants.

Also, if Google Merchant displaying an error on an invalid image link for simple products, you can use the image of a parent product for a child simple product.

3. XML formatting error

In the most cases, this error appears when your feed has special characters inside tags. Please note the line number in the error message, then open your XML feed file and check the aforementioned line. Note the tag used in this line, then open feed profile, find the tag and add a modifier “HTML Escape”

Click Update, save and generate the feed.

Cron Tasks List

Magento 2 Product Feed extension is preintegrated with Cron Tasks List to provide store owners with an opportunity to track and manage all cron tasks running in the website background.

To view all scheduled and executed cron tasks, go to System → Cron Tasks List

Run all cron tasks and generate their schedule by clicking the ‘Run Cron’ button. Also you can delete separate tasks in bulk, apply filtering and sorting options when it is needed.

Find out how to install the Product Feed for Magento 2 via Composer.
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magento_2/product_feed.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/09 10:07 by tihomirova