For more details see how the Payment Restrictions for Magento 2 extension works.
Restrictions from different rules can work simultaneously. It means that, for example, if you have two payment methods - Method One and Method Two - and you want to block the Method One with a restriction rule A, and the Method Two with a restriction rule B and activate both rules at the same time, then Method One and Method Two will be restricted at the same time as well.
If a rule is configured with conditions but doesn't work, please try removing conditions you've set up. If that helped it would be a good idea to revise the conditions configuration. Please check this article to see which mistakes are made more often Conditions configuration and find out how they can be fixed.
PayPal's use policy disable the service when you sell, for example, ammunition. So if you are a gun enthusiast selling products over the Internet it would wise to hide PayPal when certain products are added to a customer cart. Payment Restrictions extension is just a tool for the job.
The rule setup is very simple. We just select to block all PayPal methods…
…when there is a product from the “Ammunition” attribute set in the cart
And that's it! PayPal will be available to use up until any product from the “Ammunition” Attribute Set is added to cart.
Extension settings are located in Stores > Configuration > Amasty Extensions > Payment Restrictions
Rules can be created in Sales > Operations > Payment Restrictions
Choose conditions to be met, based on cart attributes, customer attributes, or use advanced conditions, when necessary.
Find out how to install the Payment Restrictions Extension for Magento 2 via Composer.