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See the way Marketplace Platinum for Magento 2 extension works.

Guide for Marketplace Platinum for Magento 2

Сreate your own multi-vendor e-commerce store using Magento Marketplace extension. Offer products and services from different sellers on your site and increase revenue.

  • Onboard an unlimited number of vendors at your store
  • Set up vendors’ commissions with agility
  • Set up vendor and product validation according to your business model
  • Allow vendors to manage their own orders, products, and inventory
  • Provide vendors with complete analytics of transactions
  • Easily manage all vendors, transactions, and payouts from the admin panel
To activate this product you need a key. You can get it by contacting our support center

Features for Admin

This extension provides Magento Store Admin with complete control over the Marketplace UI, vendor accounts, their catalog, and the marketplace commission fee model. All Marketplace features are accessible from the left navigation menu on the Admin Panel.

Manage Vendor Configuration

Marketplace Configurations

Go to CED Marketplace > Vendor Configuration to configure the extension.

The following screen will open.


  • Enable Marketplace Module: Select Yes to enable or No to disable the marketplace module.
  • Vendor Transaction ID Generation: Select Auto to auto-generate a unique Transaction ID for vendor payment/transaction or choose Manual to enable manual input field for the Transaction ID.
  • Enable RTL Theme: Select Yes to enable RTL or Right-to-Left design layout on vendor panel and registration page. The RTL user interface displays text in a right-to-left orientation for use with languages written this way, such as Hebrew and Arabic.
  • Select Theme Color: Select the theme color option for the vendor panel.
  • Login/Sign Up Header Logo: Set logo to appear on the header of vendor signup and login page.
  • Enable Footer: Enable Footer on vendor signup and login page.
  • Footer Content: Enter the contents for the footer.
  • Enable Terms and Conditions: Enable the Terms and Conditions checkbox on the vendor signup page.
  • Enter Terms and Conditions Static Block ID: Enter the Identifier of the custom block for the contents of the Terms and Conditions.

Vendor Landing Page Configuration

Now in this section of landing pages, we will guide you to the Vendor landing pages configuration,

  • Design: Select Basic for a simple vendor signup page. Switch to Advanced to add a customizable vendor landing page with custom blocks, video, and social links. Following settings comes under the Advanced option setting to customize your vendor landing page.
  • Banner: Set the banner option to Image or Video. Video option lets you add the same video in three different formats to ensure cross-browser compatibility. Set the Banner Heading and Banner Content for the Banner. Add up to 6 Banner Feature Icons(comma-separated font-awesome icon classes) and set the Banner Features(comma-separated) for icon description.
  • Enable Section 1-3: Set to Yes to enable up to 3 custom blocks below the banner, each with a custom Title and Block contents. Enable Marketplace Block: Set to Yes for a preset block with a marketplace link and set the Heading and Content.
  • Marketplace Figures: Set the Count of Customer, Vendor, and Product with respective Content.
  • Social Links: Add the social media handles or username of the social media accounts for links in the footer.
  • Customer Count, Vendor count, Product count Refer to below images on frontend view;

Registration Page

Add custom Headings and Subtitles on the vendor registration page. Now in this section of registration pages, we will guide you on the registration page configuration and information, refer to the below images.

Vendor Account Configurations

  • Default Vendor Group: Sets the vendor group for new vendor accounts. Install Vendor Group Addon to create multiple groups, assign resources, and set configurations for each vendor group.
  • Email Sender: Set the store contact that appears as the sender of the emails.
  • Vendor Approved Notification Email: Identifies the template sent to the vendor on account approval.
  • Vendor Rejected Notification Email: Identifies the template sent to the vendor on account disapproval.
  • Vendor Deleted Notification Email: Identifies the template sent to the vendor on account deletion.
  • Vendor Shop Enable Notification Email: Identifies the template sent to the vendor on shop enable.
  • Vendor Shop Disable Notification Email: Identifies the template sent to the vendor on shop disable.
  • Vendor Account Notification Email to Admin: Identifies the template sent to General Contact in Store Email Addresses for new vendor registrations.
  • Vendor Product Notification Email to Admin: Identifies the template sent at midnight(server time) to General Contact in Store Email Addresses for all new vendor products created in a day.
  • Vendor Product Configuration
  • Require Admin Approval: Set to Yes to make admin approval mandatory for new vendor products. Set to No for auto-approval.
  • Allowed Product Type: Select the product types allowed for vendors. These are simplified versions of Magento Simple, Virtual and Downloadable product types with limited attributes and support only the default attribute set. Upgrade with Vendor Product Addon to enable all 6 Product Types of Magento for vendors.
  • Vendor Product Limit: Set the limit of catalog size for vendors.
  • Product Categories Display: Set to All Allowed Categories option to allow vendors to assign products to any of the Magento categories. Set to Specific Categories option to restrict category access for vendors. In the Specific Categories option, select all the parent categories of the selected category until the root category.
  • Product Approval Notification Email: Identifies the template sent to the vendor on product approval.
  • Product Rejected Notification Email: Identifies the template sent to the vendor on product disapproval.
  • Product Deleted Notification Email: Identifies the template sent to the vendor on product deletion.
  • Email Sender: Set the store contact that appears as the sender of these emails.
  • Downloadable Product Configuration: Set the allowed extensions(comma-separated) for samples and links of Downloadable products for vendors.

Vendor Order Configuration

  • Enable New Order Notification Email: Set to Yes to send a new order email to the vendor.
  • New Order Notification Template: Identifies the template sent to the vendor for a new order.
  • Enable Cancel Order Notification Email: Set to Yes to send an order cancellation email to the vendor.
  • Order Cancel Notification Template: Identifies the template sent to the vendor on order cancellation.
  • Vendor Transaction Notification Template: Identifies the template sent to the vendor on transaction/payout.
  • Email Sender: Set the store contact that appears as the sender of these emails.

Vendor Commission Configuration

Admin can set the commission fee for vendors and define how it will be calculated whether percentage-wise/fixed.

  • Calculate Commission Fee: Admin can set the commission fees based on the following option. Currently, available types of commission methods are Percentage and Fixed.
  • Commission Fee: Admin can set the amount of the commission fee that needs to be deducted from the vendor’s total order (excluding admin shipping) sent to the vendor by admin. The commission is calculated on vendor total order (excluding admin shipping) for percentage commission calculation and order item quantities from the fixed commission. The value provided here depends on what commission type you have selected (Fixed or Percentage).

Marketplace Pages Configuration

Vendor Shop Pages

  • Enable CsMarketplace Link: This option allows you to display or hide the “Marketplace” link available on the Store frontend header. It allows frontend users to view registered vendors on the marketplace.
  • Top Link Title: This is the text that you want to get displayed on the header or Marketplace after enabling the Cs Marketplace Link.
  • Enable I am a Vendor Link: This option helps the admin to display or hide the top link for vendor/sellers signup and login at the frontend header.
  • Heading/Title: This is a heading title text for the vendor signup/login. whatever text is provided in the field will reflect at the frontend.
  • Banner: This banner added by the admin here is displayed on the “Marketplace”.
  • Description: Add a description of the marketplace.
  • Vendor Placeholder Image: Admin can configure placeholder image for vendor profile.
  • Banner Placeholder Image: Admin can configure placeholder image for banner the file type is PNG, GIF, JPG, JPEG.

SEO Information (Cs marketplace page)

This will help the website in increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

  • Meta Keywords: These are specific types of meta tags that appear in the HTML code of a Web page and help tell search engines what the topic of the page is. It can be set by the admin for the website.
  • Meta Description: It is a brief description of the page, related to keywords.

Vendor Account Management

Go to CED Marketplace > Manage Vendors to manage vendor accounts.

  • System Message: Notice appears at the top of the workspace when a vendor account requires approval. Follow the link to “Manage Vendor”, and review the new vendor account.
  • Export Vendors: Export full vendor record in CSV or XML format.
  • Actions: List of actions applicable to selected vendors in the list. Select the checkbox in the first column of each vendor to apply an action. Options: Delete / Change Account Status / Change Shop Status
  • Search: Initiates vendor search based on the current selection or input in columns.
  • Vendor Since: The date of creation of vendor account.
  • Name The first and last name of the vendor.
  • Email: The email address of the vendor.
  • Vendor Group: The vendor group to which the vendor is assigned.
  • Web Site: The web site in the store hierarchy to which the vendor account is associated.
  • Update Account Status: Option to update/change the vendor account status.
  • Account Status: Indicates the current status of the vendor account. Options: New, Approved, and Disapproved.
  • Disapproval Reason: This shows the reason if provided during the disapproval of the vendor account.
  • Shop Status: Indicates the current status of the vendor shop and the option to change to the alternate status. Status(Option): Enabled(Disable) and Disabled(Enable).
  • Edit: Opens the vendor in edit mode. You can accomplish the same thing by clicking anywhere on the row.

Vendor Details: Information available under the left menu tabs: General Information, Company Information Support Information, SEO Information, and Address Information corresponds to the profile information provided by the vendor. Payment Details corresponds to the Transaction Settings information provided by the vendor. Admin uses these details for processing vendor payouts. Admin can access vendor-specific products, orders, and transactions from the Vendor Products, Vendor Orders, and Vendor Transaction tabs respectively.

Add Vendor

Initiate the process to create a new vendor account. Select an existing customer account or create a new customer for the vendor account. Enter the required vendor information to create the vendor account associated with the selected customer.

Vendor Product Management

Go to CED Marketplace > All Products to manage vendor products.

  • System Message: Notice appears at the top of the workspace when a vendor product requires approval. Follow the link to “Vendor Pending Products”, and review the new vendor products.
  • Actions: List of actions applicable to selected products in the list. Select the checkbox in the first column of each product to apply an action. Options: Delete / Change Status.
  • Filters: Initiates a vendor catalog search based on the current filters.
  • Default View: Indicates the current grid column layout. If there are saved grid column views, you can choose another.
  • Columns: Set the selection of columns and their order in the grid.
  • ID: A unique, sequential number that is assigned when a new product is saved for the first time.
  • Vendor Name: Public name of the vendor.
  • Name The vendor product name.
  • Type: The product type.
  • Attribute Set: The name of the attribute set that is used as a template for the vendor product.
  • SKU: The unique Stock Keeping Unit that is assigned to the vendor product.
  • Price: The unit price of the vendor product.
  • Web Site: Indicates the website where the vendor product is available.
  • Quantity: The quantity that is currently in stock.
  • Disapproval Reason: This shows the reason if provided during the disapproval of the vendor product.
  • Status: Indicates the current approval status of the vendor product. Options: Pending, Approved, and Disapproved.
  • View: Opens the product in Edit mode.
  • Action: Lists option to Approve or Disapprove vendor product.

Vendor Order Management

Go to CED Marketplace > Vendor Orders to view vendor orders. Vendor Order Details: Each row in this table corresponds to vendor-specific order information for a given order. One order can have products from multiple vendors and in that case, multiple rows will be displayed for a single order, each having the vendor wise order breakdown information.

Grand Total: Column G.T. shows the total order amount of products from a specific vendor in a given order. This amount does not include any shipping amount as shipment of products and its charges are managed by Admin.

Commission Fee: This is the amount that the vendor will be charged as a fee by the admin for a given order. This fee is calculated based on the commission fee configured in vendor configuration. For Fixed Fee type total quantities of all the products from a vendor in a given order will be considered and the Commission Fee will amount to Total Quantity times Fixed Fee amount. For Percentage Fee, type G.T. amount in the corresponding row will be used to calculate the commission fee.

Vendor Payment: This is the due amount to the vendor by admin for that given order. It is equal to the Commission Fee subtracted from G.T. amount.

Order Payment Status: This shows the status of payment by the customer to the store admin for vendor-specific items in an order. If the order is not Invoiced then its status will be Pending. For partially invoiced and completely invoiced vendor items in an order, the status will be Partially Paid and Paid respectively. And for canceled or refunded orders the status is Canceled. If the vendor is paid out for an order an admin generates a Credit memo then this status will remain Paid.

Vendor Payment Status: This shows the status of payment made to the vendor by admin for a given order. The initial status is Pending and a PayNow button is displayed when the order is Invoiced. If the order is canceled or refunded the status is Canceled. Status changes to Paid when the vendor is paid out for the order. Feature to make reverse payment to a vendor is not available in this extension that means once the vendor is paid out that payment can’t be reversed even if the admin has created the credit memo for that order. If a Credit memo is generated for the order after vendor payout the status will remain Paid.

Order View: On clicking the View option under column Action it opens the order view page of Magento.

Vendor Transaction Management

Go to CED Marketplace > Vendor Orders to payout vendors. Vendor Payouts: Once the admin has transferred the due payment to the vendor by offline means an entry can be made regarding that payment into the system that is visible to vendors as well on their vendor panel. This is done by clicking the PayNow button against the order for which the admin has to make the payment. Admin can add more orders for payout by clicking the button Add/Remove Amounts for Payment and selecting the orders for which this vendor is now eligible for the payout. Click Continue to proceed.

After selecting the orders, the admin provides basic information about the payment mode and any deductions that apply to this transaction by entering that amount in the Adjustment Amount field. The Payment Method options in this form come from the payment details provided by the vendor from the Transaction Settings on his vendor Panel. Notes can also be added if required. Finally, click on the Pay Offline button to register the payment into the system. Vendors will also receive an email for this transaction.

Admin will be able to view all such transactions from CED Marketplace > Vendor Transactions and view individual transactions by clicking the View option under column Action.

Features for Vendor

Create a Vendor Account

Users can create a vendor account from the Sell link in the storefront header. This link will take users to a vendor landing page or a simple login page depending on the configurations in CED Marketplace > Vendor Configuration > Landing Page > Design. If Design is set to Advance a landing page is displayed otherwise a simple vendor login page is displayed. Click on the SignUp link in the header to proceed with vendor registration. Vendors have to provide the basic information for Vendor account creation like Name, email ID, and password. Two important fields that are required for the creation of any vendor account are Public Name and Shop URL. Public Name is any name that the vendor wants to appear on the storefront and in order details. Shop URL is the URL key that will be used to create a unique URL for the vendor’s shop page.

  • If the Admin Approval setting for new vendor accounts is enabled then the vendor sees a page which states that their account is under review and they should wait for confirmation.
  • And if the Admin Approval setting for new vendor accounts is disabled or if the admin has approved the account vendor has now to access the Vendor Panel.
  • When a registered customer tries to sign in as a vendor they see the form for creating their vendor account.

Vendor Dashboard

Vendor Dashboard provides an overview of vendor sales, earnings, due payment, latest activities on the store, catalog status, and the top-performing products.

A vendor from the vendor dashboard can manage his account by creating products, view orders placed for his products, view the transactions done by the admin, his shop settings, dashboard, etc.

Manage Vendor Profile

Vendors can view their profile details from the View Profile left menu option. Vendors can edit or update the profile by clicking the Edit option. Vendors can update this form to provide general information about their business and shop page.

Vendors can upload Profile Picture and Company Banner for the vendor shop page. Company Logo image appears on the Marketplace Page where all vendors are listed. Vendors can set their username/handle in Facebook ID and Twitter ID field to enable clickable links to their social media page on their shop pages. To optimize the shop pages for search engines vendors can set the Meta Keywords and Meta Description for their shop page.

Create Products

Vendors can add new products to their inventory from the New Product option in the left menu, select the product type, and click Continue. Vendors have to provide this basic product information to successfully add a new product to their inventory. Here only the most important and required fields are available so vendors can easily create new products of type Simple, Virtual & Downloadable.

Vendors can view their catalog from the Manage Products option in the left menu. New products have the status Pending or Approved depending on whether the Admin approval setting for new vendor products is enabled or disabled respectively. Only Approved products will be displayed on the storefront. Products can be updated by clicking the Edit option under the Action column or deleted in bulk the via mass action option Delete.

View Vendor Orders

Vendors can access the orders for their products from the Orders option in the left menu. Details of individual orders can be viewed by clicking the View option under the Action column.

View Vendor Payments

Vendors can access their payout details from the Transactions option in the left menu. Individual payout details can be viewed by clicking the View option under the Action column.

View Sales Reports

Vendors can generate the sales report of orders and products by the Reports > Order Reports and Reports > Product Reports option from the left menu respectively. Order Report can be filtered by selecting Start date – End date, Vendor Payment Status, the period for each row which can be Day, Month or Year wise and clicking the Show Report button that displays period wise sales report of vendor products. Reports can be exported to CSV by clicking the Export button. Product Report can be filtered by selecting Start date – End date and clicking the Show Report button that displays product wise sales report. This report can be exported to CSV by clicking the Export button.

Account Details Settings for Payouts

Provides a Settings panel for transaction-related. Vendors can enter different payment details as per their choice. This payment detail is used by an admin to transfer the vendor amount to him for his related product sold.

Vendors can set three payment methods settings from here. Check/Money Order This is an offline payment method option and is available with the CedCommerce Multi-Vendor Marketplace Solution extension. In this setting, a vendor will get the field

Active: The vendor can enable/disable the payment method. Cheque Payee Name: The name of the personal account to whom the payment will be made.


This payment method has been included but it is not for the online transfer purpose. The vendor can just fill in the details of his PayPal account and save the settings.

Active: The vendor can enable/disable the payment method. Email Associated with the PayPal account the email associated with PayPal can be entered here. Bank Transfer

  • Active: The vendor can enable/disable the payment method.
  • Bank Name: Name of the Bank
  • Branch Name: Name of the Bank Branch
  • Swift Code: Bank Swift code.
  • Bank Account Name: Account holder name.
  • Account Number: Bank Account Number.

Features for Customers

Browse Vendors on Marketplace View Vendor Shop Page Vendor Details in Orders

Find out how to install the Marketplace Platinum extension for Magento 2 via Composer.

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magento_2/multi_vendor_marketplace.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/12 08:15 by azolotorevich