For more details see how the Gift Card for Magento 2 extension works.
Enable customers to buy gift cards and send them to friends via email or by post. Create an unlimited number of gift cards with different pricing models and easily keep track of all purchased certificates.
The module easily solves the gifting dilemma by offering specially designed gift certificates which can be sent to recipients via email or by post. Once the certificate is purchased, a unique code with a custom greeting message will be sent to the addressee. The module lets admin users create gift card products with different pricing types, use predefined card images or upload their own ones and helps them to keep track of all purchased gift certificates.
How do gift cards work?
How do I ship my gift cards?
To configure general extension settings please go to Stores → Configuration → Gift Card.
Enabled - set the option to Yes to run the extension.
Product Types, Which Can Be Bought with Gift Card - specify product types which customers will be able to purchase using a gift card.
Use a Gift Card to Pay for Shipping - select Yes, to pay for a shipment with your giftcard. I.e. a gift card can cover both a purchase and a shipping.
Use a Gift Card to Pay for Tax - enable the setting to allow customers to pay for tax with a gift card. This means, that a customer will be able to pay both for products and taxes with a gift card.
Use a Gift Card to Pay for Amasty Extra Fee - set to Yes ti let customers cover extra fees added by Amasty Extra Fee extension with gift cards.
Allow Refund for Orders Paid with Gift Card - if you enable this option, the sum paid with gift cards will be refunded to gift card amounts.
Customers can pay for orders with gift cards. If they want to refund orders later, they may also want to get the wasted gift card balance back. In such cases, the extension does the following:
Gift Card Fields - Specify the fields a customer should fill in when purchasing a gift card.
Show Gift Card Options in Mini Cart And Checkout - Enable the option to show the gift card options on the cart page.
Timezones for User Choosing - Define the timezones a user can choose on the frontend. The option is connected with the delivery date setting. A user can define the date a gift card should be sent and, also, choose the timezone of a recipient.
Allow Users to Upload Own Images for Gift Card - Set to Yes to enable users to upload their own images for gift cards (in png, jpg, gif formats).
Tooltip Message for Users - Specify the message to inform customers upon certain restrictions when uploading their own images for gift cards.
Lifetime (days) - Specify the number of days during which the gift card will be valid. When set to 0 (zero), certificate will have unlimited lifetime.
Assign Gift Card to Customer Account — enable the option to assign gift cards to customer accounts to improve fraud protection. If enabled, customers need to bind Gift Card Codes with their accounts to use them on checkout or in the cart. Otherwise, they will get the notification ‘Please add this Gift Card Code to your customer account to proceed’ and won’t be able to apply the gift code.
Allow Customers to Use Gift Cards They Bought for Themselves - Enable the option to let customers buy gift card without sending them to other recipient.
Notify Customers Before Certificate Expires - Set the option to ‘yes’ to enable notifications dispatch when the certificate lifetime expires. Notifications are available only for purchased gift cards.
Number of Days Before Expiry - specify when email reminders should be sent. When set to 0 (zero), the notification is sent once the certificate expires.
Email sender - select an email sender.
Email Template - choose a template according to which an email will be generated.
Send Copy to - in this field you may specify particular email addresses to which notifications will be sent as well. Each email should be placed on a new line.
Expiry Notification Email Template - set the template for the expiry notifications.
Send Confirmation to Sender - enable this option to notify a gift card sender once the certificate is sent to the recipient.
Sender Confirmation Email Template - select the corresponding sender confirmation email template from the templates list.
Attach PDF Gift Card to Email - you can add a PDF gift card to the email.
In this tab you can configure how and where the field for adding a card will be displayed.
Position On Checkout - choose the position to add the filed for gift cards application (by now, only 'Checkout Discount' position is available).
View On Checkout - select the 'Input Field' value to show the gift card after the discount block or choose the 'Dropdown' to hide the option.
To create a gift card product please go to Products → Catalog → click on the Add Product button and select the Gift Card by Amasty product type in the dropdown.
Gift Card product settings include the same options as other product types except for Prices and Gift Card Information settings.
Card Type - Select one of the card types:
Usage - Set the ‘Multiple’ value for a Gift Card that can be used an unlimited number of times till the balance is over. The ‘Single’ value should be used to allow a single application only. In this case, the remaining balance will be reset.
Lifetime in days - It's possible to set individual lifetime for each particular gift card or use default settings.
Email Template - It's also possible to set an individual template per gift card product or use general configuration settings.
Choose gift card code pool - Select one of the available gift card code sets.
Choose gift card images - Choose a gift card image/images from the list of predefined images or upload your own ones.
To set gift card price and possible pricing options, expand the Amasty Gift Card Prices tab.
Amounts - You can set fixed price for a gift card product.
To add even more flexible pricing options, you may enable Open Amount and a Fee for purchase.
Open Amount - Enable the option to let customers specify a custom gift card amount.
Open Amount Min/Max Value - Limit an open amount with min/max values.
Enable fee for purchase - Set the option to 'yes' to add an extra fee for a gift card product or vice versa - make the gift card product price lower than the certificate value.
Add a fee for purchase - Select a fee type either fixed or percent.
Specify fee value - in case you specify a negative amount, the price of a gift card product will be decreased accordingly. If you want to add an extra fee, either percent or fixed, please specify a positive value. E.g. -10 or 10.
To create gift card code pools please go to Marketing → Gift Cards → Code Pools.
On the Gift Card Code Pools grid you'll see all previously generated gift code sets. You can easily delete or edit them if needed.
Create additional code pools with the Add New button. Configure the General Settings.
Code Pool Name - Specify the name for each code pool you create.
Conditions - set the necessary conditions that will limit the cases of a gift card application.
When a customer tries to apply a gift card code, that doesn't match the conditions set by the admin, he will see a notification:
Proceed to the Code Settings section.
Code Templates - Specify the template for codes generation, where {L} - letter, {D} - digit, e.g. PROMO_{L}{L}{D}{D}{D} results in PROMO_DF627. Recommended code length is 20 symbols
Codes Qty to Generate - Set the codes quantity that should be created.
You can also import gift card codes using a CSV file.
Hit the Generate button. Open the Codes List tab, where you'll find all generated or imported codes.
To upload gift card images please go to Marketing → Gift Cards → Images.
See uploaded images on the grid. Click on the Add New button to upload a new image.
Image Title - specify the suitable title for internal use.
Enabled - switch to Yes to activate the image.
Hit the Upload Image button.
Add Expiry Date to Gift Card - activate the toggle to show the expiry date on a gift card.
Expiry Date Text Color - use the color picker to choose the color for the expiry date.
Add Balance to Gift Card - enable this option to show the balance of a particular card.
Balance Text Color - select the color for the balance.
Specify code position - use the drag-and-drop option to specify the positions of elements on a gift card image.
Code Text Color - using the colo-picker tool, choose the color of a code that will suit the general image style.
To manage gift code accounts please go to Marketing → Gift Cards → Accounts.
On the gift card code accounts grid you can view and edit the accounts of all purchased gift cards. Generate in Bulk to create several accounts at once.
You can also view and filter all accounts by the recipient and the sender email addresses. Also, you can filter gift codes by their order numbers.
Click Edit in the Action column to check the info of a particular account.
Order ID - Click on the order ID to get redirected to the corresponding order page.
Edit gift card codes data:
Comment - Admin users can write a comment for each gift card code for their internal needs.
Send Gift Card - Specify recipient's data to resend a gift card code if needed.
In the Order History tab you'll find all orders for which the gift card was used.
To create or edit an email template please go to Marketing → Communications → Email Templates. Choose the template you need and click on the Load Template button.
Template Content - In this field you can edit the template content according to your needs.
Also, the customers have the ability to preview the email with a gift card before they make a purchase.
If you enabled Assign Gift Card to Customer Account option then the email template will be as follows:
See the example of gift card products added to a separate category.
Here is the example of a gift card product page where a customer can select the gift card value (if there are any), upload a custom image, specify recipient's information and write a greeting message.
You can also add a widget so that customers could check their balance on any page. See the frontend sample on a product page:
To create a widget, go to Content → Elements → Widgets and hit the Add Widget button.
Select the Amasty Gift Card Code Status Check widget type.
Choose the theme, set the required pages and postion for you widget and click Save. For example, you can also add status check to the mini cart by choosing the appropriate position.
Customers can check the balance of each gift card in their acoounts. To see the balance, the recipient should open the corresponding tab in a customer account, enter the code and click on the 'Submit' button. Information about activated codes will be displayed below.
Customers can check a gift card status as well as apply the gift card on a shopping cart page. All active codes are displayed in the dropdown, so customers can simply choose the necessary one.
Once a gift card code is applied, the order total will be automatically recalculated.
The extension includes API support. Store admins may use the following APIs:
Amasty\GiftCard\Api\ImageRepositoryInterface - API for images processing
Available methods:
save(account) getById(id) getList() deleteById(id)
Amasty\GiftCard\Api\CodePoolRepositoryInterface - API for codes pool processing
Available methods:
save(codePool) getById(id) getList() deleteById(id)
Amasty\GiftCard\Api\CodeGeneratorManagementInterface - API for codes generation
generateCodesForCodePool(codePoolId, qty) - generation of codes qty for codePoolId
generateCodesByTemplate(codePoolId, template, qty) - generation of codes according to template for codePoolId
Amasty\GiftCardAccount\Api\GiftCardAccountRepositoryInterface - API for gift account processing
Available methods:
save(account) getById(id) getByCode(code) deleteById(id) getList()
Amasty\GiftCardAccount\Api\GiftCardAccountManagementInterface - API for cards application to customers
Available methods:
saveByQuoteId(cartId, giftCardCode) - application //cartId// of gift account with //giftCardCode// deleteByQuoteId(cartId, giftCardCode) - deletion //cartId// of gift account with //giftCardCode//
Amasty\GiftCardAccount\Api\GuestGiftCardAccountManagementInterface - API for card apllication to guests
Available methods:
saveByQuoteId(cartId, giftCardCode) deleteByQuoteId(cartId, giftCardCode)
The extension is compatible with GraphQL (read + write).
Here is an example of the implementation via Graphql. Follow the steps below:
1. Create the cart
mutation {createEmptyCart}
2. Add the product
mutation {addSimpleProductsToCart( input: { cart_id: "YOUR CART ID" cart_items: [ { data: { quantity: 2 sku: "YOUR PRODUCT SKU" } } ] } ) { cart { items { idproduct { sku stock_status } quantity } prices { subtotal_excluding_tax { currency value } grand_total { currencyvalue } } } } }
3. Apply the gift card
mutation { applyAmGiftCardToCart( input: { cart_id: "YOUR CART ID" am_gift_card_code: "YOUR GIFT CODE" } ) { cart { id prices { subtotal_excluding_tax { currency value } grand_total { currency value } } } } }
The extension includes a part of Export Orders solution. It means that you can export any gift card information using the simplified export UI.
Navigate to System → Amasty Export → Export.
Choose the required entity and configure export settings.
Main features you can use:
Check the details of each tab configuration in this guide.
The same UI as described above is now available for the import tasks.
Navigate to System → Amasty Import → Import.
Choose the required entity and configure import settings.
Main features you can use:
See the details in this guide.
Now the extension is compatible with SMS Notification Pro. You can set up an additional channel to notify customers about the receipt of a gift card, its balance updates, and remind them of the expiration date. To learn more about the product's capabilities and price, please, visit the product page.
SMS Notification - enable the option to set up the SMS notification channel.
SMS Gateway - to set up the Gateway, please, choose your SMS service provider and fill in all the necessary credentials: sender ID, authentication key, route, Auth Token, Account SID, API URL, and purchased mobile phone number. The information to enter will depend on the chosen service provider.
To learn more about the settings, please, refer to the SMS Notification Pro User Guide.
Now the product enjoys features of the Amasty Store Credit & Refund extension to allow your customers to redeem Gift Cards balances for store credit.
Enable Module - set to Yes to enable refunding to Magento 2 store credit balance.
Refund Store Credit Automatically - select Yes if you want the Refund to Store Credit option to be set on the credit memo page by default.
Allow applying Store Credit on Tax - enable this option if you want to allow customers to apply store credit currency on taxes.
Allow applying Store Credit on Shipping - set to Yes to enable your customers to apply store credit balance on shipping.
You can also apply Store Credit to certain products by including/excluding lists of SKUs and categories. In the example above, we enabled the functionality for category 41, which is the category id for Gift Cards in the demo. You can also enable email notifications about the store credit balance updates. To learn about all the settings, please, refer to the Store Credit and Refund User Guide.
To get the most of the Gift Card Pro extension, install the PWA add-on. The software provides a faster, enhanced experience for the clients shopping from phones and tablets.
The add-on adapts interaction with the website to various screen resolutions to improve responsiveness and the overall client experience. Once the software is added, the Gift Card page will be displayed as follows:
Choosing the card value, its design, checking gift cards balance, and other features will be available with the enhanced mobile usability.