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For more details see how the Extra Fee extension works.

Guide for Extra Fee for Magento 2

Add extra fees to any additional services you need and display them on the checkout and shopping cart pages. With flexible conditions and advanced settings, you can display relevant fees to customers and encourage them to spend more.

  • Generate an unlimited number of extra fees
  • Display fees on cart and checkout pages
  • Create extra fees based on payment and shipping methods
  • Determine fees display with flexible conditions
  • Use percent and fixed price fee types
The extension is read and write GraphQL compatible. Now you can expose and mutate the datasets in Extra Fee extension for Magento 2 via GraphQL queries.

General Extension Settings

To configure general extension settings please go to Stores → Configuration → Amasty Extensions → Extra Fee


Show On Order Grid - set to 'Yes' to allow fees display on the Order Grid.


In this section, you can configure on scope level the way your fees will be calculated.

Include Discounts in Calculations - select 'Yes' if you want to calculate the extra fee based on the prices with discount amounts (only for percent fee type).

Apply Tax Class to Extra Fees - select 'Yes' if you want to calculate the extra fee based on the prices with taxes. Please kindly note that, for the 'Fixed Fee' charges, the tax class option will always be applied. For 'Percent Fee' charges, please configure the setting below.

Use Fee's Tax Class Instead of Product's Tax Class for Percent Fees - enable this option to 'Yes' to set different tax class for percent fees.

Use Product's Shipping Cost as Product Price Part for Calculations - select 'Yes' if you want to calculate the extra fee based on the prices with shipping costs (only for percent fee type).

Also, you can tweak the calculation for each specific fee. To do that, please proceed with the Extra Fees Creation: Calculation part of the User Guide.


In this section, you can adjust the tax class for extra fees.

This feature is highly important for EU tax laws compliance. Adjust this setting according to local tax laws. Learn more about EU Tax Guidelines on official Magento website.

Tax Class - specify the tax class for the extra fees. If you haven't had the special tax class for your extra fee - you can create it in Stores → Taxes → Tax rules → Add new tax rule. If set to None, the tax won't be calculated.

Then, choose whether to include or to exclude the tax into fees calculation display for Display Prices at Shopping Cart and Display Prices at Orders, Invoices, Credit Memos options.

If the setting is set to Include Tax, then taxes will be included in the cost of the initial fee. For example, if the fee amount is $10, Tax=10%, then the Fee Amount visible for the end-user will be $9.09 Fee + $0.91 Tax. In Order Total it will be shown as $10.

If the setting is set to Exclude Tax, then taxes will be excluded from fee calculation. For example, the Fee Amount is $10, Tax=10%. Then, an end-user will see Fee Amount of $10 Fee + $1 Tax. In Order Total it will be shown as $11.


In this section, you can adjust the display of Fees on the Shopping Cart page.

Show On Cart Page - set to 'Yes' to display fees on Shopping Cart.

Extra Fees Creation

Extra Fees Grid

To create extra fees please go to Stores → Extra Fee → Fees

All created additional fees are displayed on the Extra Fees grid. Click 'Add New' to add a new fee.


Name - Specify the name of the extra fees block, that will be displayed on the frontend.

Enabled - Set ‘yes’ to enable the fee.

Mandatory to select - set to 'Yes' to make the fee truly mandatory. If the customer cart is eligible for a mandatory fee, a customer cannot proceed to the next step without selecting at least one option per mandatory fee.

Eligible for Refund - set to 'Yes' to allow fee refund in the future.

Type - Select the input type for fee options that will be displayed on the frontend. You can choose 'Dropdown', 'Checkbox', or 'Radio Button' types.

Sort Order - Specify the options' sorting order on the frontend (‘zero’ is the highest position).

Description - Specify an additional description that will be displayed on the frontend.


Is default - With this option you can select which option will be preselected before the customer makes a choice. In case you want to delete the preselected point, just add a new option, choose it, and then delete it.

Prices - Set prices for each option.

Type - Specify the fee type: either a percent or a fixed price.

Admin - here you can specify the name of the fee options that will be displayed on the backend.

Default Store View - here you can specify the name of the fee option that will be displayed on the frontend of the chosen store view(s).

Stores and Customer Groups

Specify store views and customer groups for which your extra fees will be available.


You can show fees based on products and cart attributes. In case a customer meets the conditions he/she will see the fees block on the cart and checkout page.

Create rules based on active shipping and payment methods. Once a customer chooses the specified shipping or payment method, the fees block with custom options is displayed.


You can choose to include discount and shipping subtotals into the fee for each particular rule. If the options are set to ‘Default’, parameters for calculation will be taken from the General extension settings.

Apply Fees for - here you can decide if you'd like to charge fee for the whole cart or per each product.

In case you want to apply fees per each product from a specific set, you can define the set subselection via conditions tree.

Frontend examples

Show extra fee blocks on the shopping cart page. Use either a percent or a fixed price type for each extra fee block. Percent fees are calculated automatically.

Use different input types and display as many extra fee blocks as you need.

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magento_2/extra_fee.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/06 12:35 by arhipenko