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For more details see how the Delivery Date for Magento 2 extension works.

Guide for Delivery Date for Magento 2

Increase the level of customer service in your store. Enable clients to choose delivery dates and time periods to receive orders. Define your delivery schedule and exclude specific days or hours when delivery is unavailable. Add delivery info to emails and printed order-related docs.

  • Enable buyers to select days and time of delivery
  • Specify how to display delivery info on the frontend
  • Allow customers to write delivery comments
  • Exclude any dates from your delivery plan
  • Set minimal and maximum delivery intervals

With the extension you'll be able to create flexible delivery schedule: exclude holidays and previous days from the timetable, allow same- and next-day delivery; specify a deadline after which same-day delivery is unavailable, create time frames and let customers choose delivery hours.

Configure the extension

To access the settings of 'Delivery Date for Magento 2' please go to: Stores → Configuration → Delivery Date

General Settings

First, you need to configure the ‘General’ section. The options you specify here will apply to all store views.

Enabled - The option turns on/off the module.

Disable Delivery On - Choose days of the week for which delivery won't be available.

Minimal Delivery Interval - Define how many days should pass after the order is placed and before the delivery is available. In this case, the delivery won’t be available for the same day and the next 2 days after the purchase. Notice, that all dates and years before the order will also be restricted.

Minimal Delivery by Product - Apart from minimal and maximal intervals for all deliveries in general you can activate a specific delivery interval for each product. However, this requires the creation of a new product attribute with Price value. After this, the number of days, which you set in the needed product's settings, will overwrite the general Minimal Delivery Interval.

Exclude Weekend, Holiday and Delivery Interval from Minimal Delivery - Set 'Yes' if you want to exclude weekend, holiday and delivery interval from minimal delivery.

Maximal Delivery Interval - On the other hand, maximal interval will include the day of the order and N-1 days after the order has been placed. For instance, the interval is set to 7. It means that the delivery will be available for the same day and 6 next days.

For example, an item was purchased on the 7th of September. A customer can choose same-day delivery or schedule it for any other day until the 14th. As you can see, Saturday and Sunday are unavailable, because we have selected these days in the Disable Delivery On field.

Enabled `Disable Same Day Delivery After` - You can choose to restrict delivery for the same day as the order was placed after certain hours.

Enabled `Disable Next Day Delivery After` - It is also possible to restrict delivery for the next day as the order was placed after a certain time period. We will set at 8:30 pm. So the orders which were placed later can't be delivered the next day.

Time Offset - The number, specified in this field will be added or subtracted (when with the minus) to the current time. We recommend leaving the field set to 0 if you are not experiencing any problems with time values. If you modify the Time Offset, please remember that the change applies to:

  • Minimal Delivery Interval;
  • Maximal Delivery Interval;
  • Disable Same Day Delivery After;
  • Disable Next Day Delivery After.

Delivery Comment - Add a comment to the delivery date. You can write a text and include an HTML link to Contact us page, for example.

Style of the Delivery Comment - You can choose between two types of comment display:

1. As is - the comment looks like a plain text;

2. Magento Notice - the comment is highlighted.

Notification Email Sender - Choose the default e-mail sender for all delivery-related notifications. It can be the Owner, Sales Representative, Customer Support Manager, etc..

Notification Email Template - Select the e-mail template for delivery-related letters. If you need to create an appropriate template first, please go to Marketing → Communications → Email Templates.


In this section, you can configure unlimited or a certain number of deliveries per day or per week.

Quota Per Day - Define how many deliveries per day your store can make. After the limit is exceeded, the day will become unavailable for delivery.

Quota Per Day Of The Week - Set how many deliveries you can make per each day of the week.

Delivery Date Section

In this section you can select date format, choose to which documents, notifications and backend store pages delivery date info should be included. The module allows to offer the choice of delivery dates only for certain groups of customers or with particular shipping methods. The distribution options have never been so flexible!

Date Format - The module offers a wide variety of dates formats. Choose which one suits your store best.

Is Required - You can require customers to fulfill the delivery info or leave it up to their choice.

Set Default Value - Set this option to 'Yes' to specify the preselected delivery date on the frontend.

Default Value - Specify the value of the preselected delivery date. If you set '0' - the closest possible delivery date will be preselected, '1' - the next date after the order is created, '2' - the second day after the order is created, and etc.

Include into - It's possible to include delivery date information into any available order document.

Display On - Delivery info can be displayed on different backend pages.

Field Note - Create a message for a customer, that will be displayed in the line for the time interval before a customer selects the actual hours.

Show for Selected Customer Groups Only - You can offer the option of choosing the delivery date only to certain groups only. If this option is set to 'Yes', the Customer Groups section will appear, otherwise, it will stay hidden.

Show for Selected Shipping Methods Only option works in analogy with customer group settings.

Delivery Date Edit Section

The Delivery Date Edit Section allows enabling users to edit their orders after placing them, in other words - rescheduling the delivery date if certain conditions are met.

Rule activation and Order status - Thus, an order status could be rescheduled if you specify certain order statuses, e.g. ‘Pending’, ‘Pending Payment’ or ‘Payment Review’.

Lockdown period - The lockdown period is a time interval before the order delivery date. When the lockdown period is running - customers cannot edit the delivery date.

Delivery Time and Comments Section

Delivery Time and Comments fields have the same options as the Delivery Date field set.

Default Value - put a time interval ID to specify a preselected delivery time. To check what id number you need, go to Sales → Time Intervals.

There are two features that regulate delivery hours specifically.

Time Interval Offset for Same Day Delivery - Specify time offset relative to current delivery time. A period (in minutes) that's stands between the current time and the first delivery time, available for a customer's choice.

Disable Current Time Interval - It's possible to disable the time interval. Before doing that, please make sure that the current time with offset are included in this time interval.

Enable Comments Field - You can restrict or allow customer comments, for instance, for the delivery person. We recommend enabling this option to make sure that you do your best for the clients.

Is Required - you can require comments or make them optional.

Limit for Comment - define the maximum number of symbols for the comment.


With the reminder option you can inform customers about the upcoming delivery. Specify particular time (in hours) before the delivery to send the reminder.

Enable - Turn on/off the reminder option.

Recipient Email Address - specify email addresses to which you'd like to send reminders.

Notification Email Sender - Choose the default e-mail sender for the short notice. It can be the Owner, Sales Representative, Customer Support Manager, etc..

Notification Email Template - Select the e-mail template for the notice before delivery. If you need to create an appropriate template first, please go to Marketing → Communications → Email Templates.

Manage Exceptions: Working Days and Holidays

The module provides you with nearly unlimited opportunities for a time-table configuration. You can specify date intervals that should be excluded from your delivery schedule for various reasons.

You can exclude from your timetable:

  • Working Days
  • Any vacation dates, e.g. national holidays
  • Date intervals like December 24 – January 7

All the exceptions you create are visible on the grid. To view the grid or create a new holiday interval, please go to Sales → Delivery Date → Exceptions: Working Days and Holidays

Please, click 'Add New Exception' button to define a new exception from the regular sked. For this example, we will edit a previously created entry. Stores - The extension supports multi-stores, it means that you can set delivery date exceptions separately for each store.

Day Type - Specify whether it is a holiday or working day.

Day - Specify the holiday date.

Month - The extension offers two options: you can either choose a specific month or use the exception for each month.

Year - Specify the year option. It is possible to set up a particular year or set 'Each Year' if the holiday always happens on the same date.

Description - Add the description to the exception.

Exceptions: Date Intervals

Creating a date interval is the easiest way to cross several days in a row out of your timetable. All the existing intervals are displayed on the grid. Please go to Sales → Delivery Date → Exceptions: Date Intervals to view the current intervals and create new ones.

You can also edit intervals as we do for this example.

The options 'Each Month' and 'Each Year' come in handy if you would like to set particular days off or take a break regularly on the same dates.

Stores - You can set delivery date exceptions separately for each store.

From Day/Month/Year - Set up the exact date from which the rule should apply. In this example, the starting day will be the 18th of June 2017.

To Day/Month/Year - define the ending date, till which the rule should work. We've set the ending date to the 26th of June 2017.

Description - Add a reason for the exception; it will be displayed only on the backend.

Time Intervals

You can create several delivery time slots and let a customer choose the most suitable interval. To do so, please go to Sales → Delivery Date → Time intervals.

Here are the fields you need to fill in when creating/editing an interval.

Stores - Specify the store view, for which the interval should be active.

From - Set up the starting time for the interval, for example: 4:30 pm.

To - Define the finishing time for the interval, for example: 6:00 pm.

Position - Select the interval position for sorting

Backend Pages with Delivery Info

1. Delivery Date on the Orders grid.

2. Delivery Date on the Invoices grid.

3. Delivery Date on the Shipments grid.

4. Delivery details are added to the order information page for your convenience. 

Cron Tasks List

Easily operate and test cron performance by managing all existing cron tasks in one place. To see the cron tasks list, please, go to System → Cron Tasks List.

Here, you can see all the existing cron tasks and their statuses. Run cron tasks and generate their schedule by clicking the ‘Run Cron’ button. Also, delete tasks in bulk, apply filtering and sorting options when it is needed.

Delivery Date on the Frontend

A customer can specify the necessary details for delivery during checkout.

Allow clients to review delivery notes before they place an order.

Find out how to install the Delivery Date extension for Magento 2 via Composer.

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magento_2/delivery_date.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/09 11:21 by asemenova