For more details see how the Custom Stock Status extension works.
The extension allows you to inform your shoppers about the current stock statuses of your products. You can use variables and quantity ranges to provide clear and catchy statuses to engage your customers.
To configure the extension, go to Stores → Configuration → Amasty Extensions → Custom Stock Status.
Display Default Stock Status with Custom Status - select Yes to display default stock status (in stock\out of stock) next to a custom stock status, set to No to display only custom stock status.
Use Out of Stock Threshold Value for Quantity Ranges - set to Yes to apply Out of Stock Threshold Value to the quality ranged statuses.
Out of stock threshold value indicates the quantity according to which a product is considered to be out of stock. If you use a variable qty_threshold to highlight the precise quantity of the product in your stock status, this number is calculated this way: the product quantity minus stock threshold (the quantity which triggers the out-of-stock status).
Display Icon Only (No Status Text) - set this option to Yes to display only icons for stock statuses (without a text).
Expand this tab to choose whether to show custom stock statuses on:
In this tab, you can configure the placement of a custom stock status link.
Show Info Link - enable the feature to display a link below the custom stock status.
Info Link Text - input an anchor text that will be shown to customers.
CMS Page - select the necessary CMS page to direct customers to. A drop-down contains all the CMS pages that you have in the web store.
The Expected Date section allows you to display the date on product pages when a product will be back in stock.
Use Expected Date — switch this option to 'Yes' to enable the expected date functionality.
Expected Date Format — choose the expected date format.
Hide Expired Expected Dates — enable this option to hide the expected dates when they expire.
Then set the Expected date on product settings and choose the new custom status option from the Custom Stock Status dropdown.
With the extension, you can use custom statuses for simple options of configurable products.
Show Out of Stock Configurable Attributes:
Set to 'No, Magento logic' to make disabled and out-of-stock products crossed-out and not selectable.
Set to 'Yes, Out of stock options selectable' to make out-of-stock options selectable (not crossed-out) and disabled products crossed-out and not selectable.
Set to 'Yes, Out of stock options selectable and crossed-out' to make out-of-stock options selectable and crossed-out while disabled products will stay not selectable and crossed out. Note, that this functionality is displayed only on product details pages.
Change Configurable Product Status upon Options Selection - enable this option to change product statuses for configurable products.
Show Custom Status in Dropdowns - select Yes to display custom stock status in the products options dropdowns.
With the extension, you can configure and display an informative popup with the breakdown with separate custom stock statuses per sources.
Show Sources Breakdown Popup (for Product Page Only) - specify whether to show or not the sources breakdown popup. Currently, this functionality is available only for product pages.
Popup Title - add the popup window title.
Use Separate Link for Sources Breakdown - choose 'Yes' to display the breakdown popup by the click on a separate link. If you choose 'No' here, the popup will be displayed by the click on the main product status.
Breakdown Link Label - specify the label for the breakdown link.
Replace Default Custom Stock Status with Source Status - if enabled, the default stock status will be replaced by status of the first (according to the source priority algorithm) source with available qty of product.
To create custom stock statuses, please go to Stores → Attributes → Product and select the attribute custom_stock_status.
Navigate to the Properties tab → Manage Options (Values of Your Attribute) section.
Here you can create the necessary options for the custom stock attributes. Easily sort them via drag and drop function or delete if necessary. Use the Add Option button to create a new status.
You can use different variables to generate stock statuses automatically and provide your customers with the necessary message. Also, HTML tags are allowed.
To display current product quantity in particular stock status, use {qty} variable, for example: Hurry up! Only {qty} left in stock!
Use {qty_threshold} variable to display the product quantity minus stock threshold (the number which triggers the out-of-stock status of a product).
You may specify days such as {tomorrow}, {day-after-tomorrow}, {yesterday} or prices, e.g. {special_price}.
Hit the gear icon next to each status to adjust its additional settings.
Here you can specify the Store Views and upload Icons for each custom status.
Also, you can add Tooltips to custom statuses. Thus you will be able to provide customers with additional information without visual overload.
Please, don't forget to save the attribute, otherwise, icons won’t be uploaded.
To create or manage rules please go to Catalog → Amasty Custom Stock Status → Manage Custom Stock Status Rules
Here on the grid, you can see all the previously created rules. You can see their names, statuses, priority and their visibility by certain store views and customer groups. You may Enable, Disable, Duplicate, or Delete any of the rules right from the grid. Open the needed rule to view the details and to Edit. Create a new one via the button Create New Rule.
Status - enable the toggle to make the rule active.
Rule Name - specify the rule name (for internal use).
Priority - the setting defines the priority of the rule application. Note, that only one rule can be applied for one product. If there are several rules, the rule with the highest priority will be executed. Here 1 is the highest priority. In controversial cases, for example, when there are two or more rules with the same priority and the same customer groups, the preference is given to the rule with a lower ID.
Store Views - specify the stores for which the rule will be visible.
Customer Groups - with this setting you can make the rule visible for the particular customer groups.
Default Custom Stock Status - from a dropdown window choose the main stock status for the products that will be specified below in the rule. If you miss the needed stock status, please turn to the Create Custom Stock Status section of this guide and see how to add new statuses, which then will be visible in any rule.
Activate Qty Based Ranges - enable the toggle to activate the quantity ranges. This means, that besides the default custom stock status, within the rule you can apply other custom stock statuses to the products, which fall under a certain quantity ranges. In such cases, the quantity range based status will replace the default custom stock status. But it will be applied for other products, which don't fall under the specified quantity ranges.
Tap the button Add New Range Status to create new quantity ranges and statuses. For the correct rule application, set the exact quantity in the fields Quantity From and Quantity To. Then, from a dropdown, choose the appropriate status in the tab Custom Stock Status. You may easily delete any of the statuses if it is not needed anymore.
'Where to display' conditions - here we can choose conditions to define the products, for which will be displayed the custom stock statuses according to our rule.
Hit the Preview Products button to view the products which match the conditions of the rule. Click Hide Products if you don't need the preview.
Due to the integration with Magento MSI now you can configure and display an informative popup containing the breakdown with separate custom stock statuses per source.
Apply Multi-source Configuration - enable this setting to configure custom stock statuses for sources in Sources Breakdown Popup on product page.
Hit the Add New Range Status button to add a specific custom stock status per particular source, basing on the range. You can apply quantity based statuses as for a specific source, so for all the sources.
We designed the integration with the Amasty Countdown Timer. So now, if you have this extension installed on your store, you can associate a specific countdown timer with a custom stock status rule and therefore display it on a particular product and cart pages. You can find more information on how to create and configure countdown timers in thisguide.
Within the rule, you can choose one of the previously created countdown timers, and specify its position relatively custom stock status of a product.
Now, please Save the rule.
If you need to add or change the status for a particular product, you can also do it from the product settings page. Please, go to Catalog → Products and select a product.
Navigate to the General tab and select the appropriate status for the product using Custom Stock Status dropdown, where all custom statuses are displayed.
Save the configuration.
You can also add custom stock statuses for multiple products from the grid via Mass action. To do this, please go to Catalog → Products. Use the Filters button to find all the products you need.
Tick all the products or the necessary ones you want to add the status to. Click the Update attributes option in the Actions dropdown menu.
In the Attributes tab specify the necessary Custom Stock Status.
Hit the Save button.
Display custom stock status on product pages either together with the default status or separately.
Display an informative popup containing the breakdown with separate custom stock statuses per sources.
Show custom stock status on the shopping cart page.
Add custom stock statuses to a category page and display info links on category pages and direct customers to any CMS page of your webstore.
Add countdown timers and tooltips to custom stock statuses.
Find out how to install the Custom Stock Status for Magento 2 via Composer.