For more details see how the Cross Linking for Magento 2 extension works.
With the Magento Cross Linking plugin, it becomes easier to improve information architecture of your web store to meet the highest requirements of both Google and your customers. Replace the extended keywords with internal and external links to increase the SEO value of your store.
Enabled - Enable the functionality of the extension.
Product Page Replacement Limit - Limit the number of links per product page.
Category Page Replacement Limit - Limit the number of links per category page.
CMS Page Replacement Limit - Limit the number of links per CMS page.
Replace on Product Page In - Specify the sections on the product page, where the plugin should replace the keywords with links. Specify location as in full description, in short description, or in the Attributes Block (choose one or several attributes).
Replace on Category Page In - Specify the section on the category page, where the plugin should replace the keywords with links.
Regexpr for + - Set the format of the keywords. You can make it case-sensitive.
Active - Enable the link rule
Link Title - Provide a title for the link
Target - Specify whether to open page in the current tab or in the new one.
Stores - Specify for which stores, the link rule will apply.
Keywords - Specify the keywords, one per line. Add + for variations.
keyword phone - phone, smartphone, iphone7
keyword phone+ - phones, smartphone, iphone7
keyword +phone - phones, smartphone, iphone7
keyword +phone+ - phones, smartphone, iphone7