

See the way Auto Currency Switcher for Magento 2 extension works.

Guide for Auto Currency Switcher by MageWorx for Magento 2

Boost international sales by removing any difficulties in price perception. Automatically display product prices in local currencies based on customers’ location.

  • Convert products’ prices to numerous currencies
  • Automate currency display with geolocation detection
  • Display relevant currencies with Currency-Country relations optimization
  • Exclude particular User Agents and URLs from auto-switching
  • Prevent fraudulent activity with IP info on order placing location

Multi-Currency Configuration

Log in to the Magento Admin panel and go to Stores ⟶ Configuration ⟶ General ⟶ Currency Setup.

Base Currency specifies the currency to be used for all online transactions in the store.

Default Display Currency sets the currency to display by default in the store.

Difference between Default Display Currency and Base Currency

Default Display Currency doesn’t affect the Base Currency. All the transactions will be processed in the Base Currency.

Allowed Currencies - select as many currencies you need to display on your store frontend.

Check the Magento 2 official guide for more detailed configurations of currency options.

Configuring the Auto Currency Switcher

GeoIP DataBase

The GeoIP extension uses the free MaxMind GeoIP database to determine the locations of your visitors and switch the currency.

The Database Type - City allows displaying a customer's region and city (detected by IP) in the order view.

In the MaxMind License Key you need to enter the API license key. Due to the new MaxMind policy, you should register an account at the MaxMind site and generate a new license key for the GeoLite2 database and enter it in the MaxMind License Key field.

You should use the following option when generating the license key: Generate a license key and config file for use with geoipupdate versions older than 3.1.1. This key will be stored in an unhashed format.
You should save the configuration after adding a license key first. If you click the Update Database button before saving the configuration, it will update the database of the previous type with the previous license key.

After entering the license key, click the Save Config button. Then, you can press the Update Database in the GeoIP DataBase → Update Current Database section to load GeoIP info for proper location detection.

Currency Switcher

Set up exceptions to cancel automatic currency switching. In some cases, you might want to limit automatic currency switching.

For example, if you need to disable currency switching for search engine's crawler bots — simply enter the User-Agent list here.

Also, you can disable auto-switching for particular store pages with Exception URLs setting.

User Agent List – the list of user agents the currency won’t be switched for. This includes search and social network bots.

Exception URLs provides the list of the website URLs to disable the Currency Switcher for.

Currency Relations

Log in to the Magento Admin panel and go to Stores ⟶ Currency ⟶ Currency Relations.

This section manages the Country-Currency relations. The store owner can add a new currency and set a list of countries for which this currency should be applied. After configuration, hit the Save Currency Relations button.

In case you want to load default Country—Currency options for currencies, select the needed currencies by ticking the boxes at the Reset column. Then, click the Refresh Relations button.

With the Magento 2 Currency Conversion extension, you can create Currency-Country relations that work best for your business needs. For example, you sell only in dollars, euros, and pounds and need to control what currency to use in each country (irrespective of local currency). E.g., manually set the ‘$’ dollar for Northern and South America and precisely distribute the ‘£’ pound and ‘€’ display between countries of the European region.
Currency Auto Switcher switches only the displayed currency. All the transactions will still be processed in the Base Currency.

Here, you can find information on related Magento 2 functionality, that might come in handy when using the Auto Currency Switcher extension.

Currency Rates

Magento 2 functionality allows setting up custom currency exchange rates or automatically importing rates using configured Import Services.

To do that, please go to Stores ⟶ Currency ⟶ Currency Rates.

The store owner can input the desired rates in the appropriate boxes or select the desired rates provider in the Import Service dropdown and click the Import button. After that, click the Save Currency Rates button.

Currency Symbols

Log in to the Magento Admin panel and go to Stores ⟶ Currency ⟶ Currency Symbols.

Here, the store owner can change the desired currency symbol. This configuration page allows the store admin to use the default currency symbols or change them to custom ones.

Find out how to install the Auto Currency Switcher extension via Composer.

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magento_2/auto-currency-switcher.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/01 10:52 by tihomirova