For more details see the Shipping Table Rates extension page.
Generate multiple shipping methods: flat rates, table rates, etc. Use combinations of address, weight, price, and quantity to calculate shipping.
Shipping Type is a complex feature which allows creating flexible shipping rate calculations. To learn more how the feature, please, read the article here.
Shipping Types options are created in Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes, find attribute labeled 'Shipping Type' and open it. Go to Manage Label/Options and create options for the attribute.
Then, go to the product settings and edit its shipping type.
And finally, you need to add a new rate for ‘furniture’ products to the shipping method. Go to Sales > Shipping Table Rates > choose the method > Methods and Rates > select a method or create a new one
Now to each product with Shipping Type='Furniture' will be added $50 to its shipping price.
Volumetric or dimensional weight is a pricing method where an estimated weight is calculated from the length, width, and height of a package. With this option, a carrier can optimize the usage of the cargo space more efficiently.
Dimensional weight is calculated as (length × width × height) / (dimensional factor).
The shipping factor (DIM) is a number a carrier uses to assess the effective weight of a shipment based on its density. If a product has a volumetric weight, the extension compares it with a regular product weight and choose the biggest value for shipping cost calculations. The DIM factor is usually set by your courier company, so you should check it.
For example, we’re shipping 10 pounds each of bricks and feathers. 10 pounds of bricks can fit into a 10x10x10 box, making the volume of that box 1,000 cubic inches. If you divide the cubic inches by the DIM factor of 166 – your dimensional weight is about 6 pounds. Because this is lower than the actual weight of the package, the charge would be rounded up to the 10-pound rate.
The settings:
Volume weight - you can calculate a shipping price based on a volumetric weight in 4 ways: Volumetric weight attribute, Volume attribute, Dimensions attribute and Separate dimension attribute.
Choose this method if you want to use the already calculated volumetric weight value. To that end, you need to create a volumetric weight attribute and specify the values for the items by yourself.
In this method, the volumetric weight is calculated based on the item's volume and shipping factor. Thus, you need to create a volume attribute, specify its values for products and specify a shipping factor.
Volume weight - choose 'Volume attribute'.
Attribute - choose the volume attribute you've created previously.
Shipping Factor - specify the value of the DIM factor. Use the DIM Factor published by your courier company to establish the dimensional weight
In this method, the volumetric weight is calculated based on the item's dimensions. To use this option, you need to create one dimension attribute and specify this parameter for each item in the following way: height*length*width. And also you need to specify the shipping factor.
Volume weight - choose 'Dimensions attribute'.
Dimensions attribute - choose the dimensions attribute you've created previously.
Shipping Factor - specify the value of the DIM factor. If you don't know it, ask your courier company.
Choose this method if you have the attributes for each particular dimensions parameter like height*length*width. And don't forget to specify the shipping factor.
Volume weight - choose 'Dimensions attribute'.
Attribute 1, Attribute 2 and Attribute 3 - choose the attributes for volume parameters like height, width, and length.
Shipping Factor - specify the value of the DIM factor. If you don't know it, ask your courier company.
Shipping methods are located at Sales > Shipping Table Rates
When you hit Methods and Rates > Add new Rate button you will be presented with the following screen:
Please check the description for all these fields at Methods and Rates section.
Let's say we've set up rates in our shipping method like this (click on the screenshot to see the example).
Things to notice: we have active conditions Shipping Type, Weight and Country.
Since we have a rate for specific Shipping Types, in this case, Shipping Type = Bulky, then this rate will go first. There are no additional conditions in the rate for Shipping Type = Bulky so our fridge will have this $100 rate assigned.
Now we have two products with different Shipping Types left. There are no rates for Shipping Types of these products in the method, but there are some rates with Shipping Type = All.
If there are no rates for some Shipping Type in the method but there is a rate for Shipping Type = All then products without matching Shipping Types will be treated as having Shipping Type = All. Please check the Shipping Type section for more info.
After that, we end up with two Shipping Types = All products in the cart, so their attributes like Price, Quantity and Weight will be summarized. Therefore, the extension will look for the rate matching these conditions: Qty = 2, Price = $450, Weight = 3.7.
In our rates, we have only the Weight product condition, and the very first rate which can be applied to the Weight range from 0 to 10 is a match for us. It costs $10 which we add to the $100 calculated for the fridge previously to have the total rate of $110
Finally, we have an active Country condition, so our rates will apply only if a customer selects to ship the order to the United States.