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For more details see the Auto Add Promo Items extension page.

Guide for Auto Add Promo Items

Automatically add free promo products to cart. Offer promo items with discounts and inform customers about promotions with catchy banners. Make little surprising presents and customers won't hesitate about returning to your store!

  • Automatically add free promo items to cart
  • Offer promo items with a discount
  • Display catchy banners and promo items on product pages
  • Clearly indicate promo items in the cart
  • Configurable & bundle products support
  • Works with coupon codes

Extension Settings

The extension settings can be found in Admin Panel → System → Configuration → Promo Items.

General Settings

Message For The Promo Item In The Cart - Here you can specify the default message that will be displayed next to free or discounted promo items in the shopping cart. E.g. Free! or 20% off!

Prefix For The Promo Item Name In The Order - You can indicate the default prefix, with which the promo items will be displayed on order pages in the admin panel.

Add Simple Products Automatically, Without Confirmation - Set this option to ‘Yes’ to automatically add free simple products to the shopping cart. If the promo item is configurable, clients will see the pop-up window where they can choose the product attributes and configuration options.

Add Downloadable Products Automatically, Without Confirmation - Set to ‘yes’ to add downloadable products to cart as free gifts automatically.

Free Shipping For Promo Items - Set this option to ‘No’ if you want to include shipping fee for free promo items in the billing.

Calculate Tax For Promo Items - Set to ‘yes’ if you want to calculate tax for promo items offered with discounts.

Apply to Admin orders - Set to ‘yes’ if you want to apply free gift rules to the orders, created by store admins.

Use default currency for calculate row subtotal - Set to ‘yes’ if you want to recalculate Discount Qty Step (Buy X) value to a base currency when you switch between stores. This option works only for 'Auto add promo items for every $X' rule.

Promo Items Addition Block

Display Mode - Choose where to display free gifts: either in the popup or in the shopping cart page block.

Select Promo Block - This message is shown in the popup with promo items.

Open Pop-up automatically - Set the option to ‘Yes’ to open the pop-up automatically if a customer meets the rule's conditions.

Allow to check multiple products for add to cart - Set to 'Yes' if you would like to suggest multiple products as free gifts for adding to the cart.

Show Popup on Checkout Page - Allow the popup to display on the checkout page.

Block's Header Text - Specify the name of the block on the frontend.

“Add to Cart” Button Text - You can also specify the name of the 'Add to Cart' button text on the frontend.


Reminder about Available Promos - Set to ‘Yes’ to remind customers about available promo items if they don't add any item to the cart.

Display Success Messages - Set to ‘Yes’ to display a message that a promo item was added to the cart.

Display Error Messages - Set to ‘Yes’ to display the error message.

Show Stock Warning In Admin Panel - Set to ‘Yes’ to be notified if the products you would like to promote are out of stock or disabled.


Do not Offer Promos for Products with Special Price - choose 'Yes' if you don't want to show promotions for products with a special price. (It's also relevant for bundle products).

Do not Offer Promos for Configurable Products with when Child has Special Price - choose 'Yes' if you don't want to show promotions for configurable products if any of the child products have a special price.

Ignore gift products when validating promo rule conditions - choose 'No' if you would like to take into account free gifts when you validate promo rule conditions. For example, there are 2 items in the cart. You have the condition “… if Total Items Quantity equals or greater than 3”. In this case, if the option is set to 'No' and you have one more rule that adds a free gift to the cart, this gift will be validated as a third item.

Promo Banners Lite settings

Go to Admin Panel → System → Configuration → Promo Banners Lite.

Product Page Banners

Enable Top Banners - Set to ‘Yes’ to display the promo banner on top of the product page.

Enable After Product Description Banner - Set this option to ‘Yes’ to display the promo banner above the ‘Add to Cart’ button.

Show One Banner Only - Choose whether to show only one banner or all banners that match the rules.

Gift images

Gift Image Width(px) and Height(px) - If you’ve enabled the display of promo items on a product page you can specify the size of item images.

Product Attribute for Header and Description - Use text attributes like Name and Short Description to display additional info about promo items when a customer hovers the mouse over the promo item image.

To get the access to the 'Shopping Cart Price Rule' settings and create a new rule go to: Promotions → Shopping Cart Price Rules → Click Add New Rule button

Rule Information

Rule name - set the name of the rule for internal reference.

Description - explain how the rule works, specify its purpose and any other details.

Status - define the rule as currently active or not. If you want the rule to go into effect, set Status to 'Active'.

Websites - select the websites where the rule should be applied.

Customer Groups - select the customer groups to which the rule should apply.

Coupon - specify if a coupon is associated with the price rule.

Set ‘Specific Coupon’ to associate a coupon with the price rule. Then you should either indicate a numeric coupon code to be entered by the customer to receive a discount or select the auto generation checkbox to automatically generate multiple coupon codes.

Uses per coupon - define the number of times the coupon code can be used by a single customer. Coupon codes can be applied only by logged-in customers.

Uses per Customer - determine the number of times the coupon code can be used by the same registered customer from any selected customer group.

From Date - specify the date from which the coupon can be used.

To Date - specify the last date of the coupon validity.

Priority - specify a number that defines the priority of the rule in relation to others.

Public In RSS Feed - set 'Yes' if you want the promotion to be included in your store’s public RSS feed.

New discount actions for free promo items

With the extension you get four new discount actions:

  • ‘Auto add promo items with products’ -
  • ‘Auto add promo items for the whole cart’,
  • ‘Auto add the same product’
  • ‘Auto add promo items for every $X spent’
  • 'Add gift with each N-th product in the cart'.

Auto Add promo items with products

Сreate promotions like 'Get one X for each two A in the cart.

Number Of Gift Item - specify the number of promo items provided for each discount step.

Type - Set ‘All SKU’s below’ to automatically add to cart all promo items. Set ‘One of the SKUs below’ to let customers choose one of the available promo items specified in the field below. With the actions “Auto add promo items for the whole cart” and “Auto add promo items with products” you can choose whether to add all the products with specified SKUs automatically or let customers select only one free product.

Promo Items - specify SKUs of the free gifts. Insert comma separated SKUs of promo products.

Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To - Indicate Maximum Qty Discount to choose the maximum number of free products, a customer can get per order. If a customer should get only 1 free item no matter if he spends $100 or $200, specify “1”. Leave “0” to have no limits.

Discount Qty Step (Buy X) - here you need to indicate the number of products a customer should add to the cart to trigger the promo rule.

Auto add promo items for every $X spent

This action adds free gift items to the cart automatically each time a customer spends the particular sum of money.

Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To - set a maximal limit (maximal sum) for a discount application. To set no limits specify zero value.

Discount Qty Step (Buy X) - Specify a discount step. In our case, the step equals to 100. It means that a customer will get one free gift for each $100 spent. If the cart subtotal equals to $1000, the customer will get 10 gifts etc.

Auto add promo items for the whole cart

This action lets you provide a promo item (or items) only once in one order.

Type - Set ‘All SKU’s below’ to automatically add to cart all promo items. Set ‘One of the SKUs below’ to let customers choose one of the available promo items specified in the field below. With the actions “Auto add promo items for the whole cart” and “Auto add promo items with products” you can choose whether to add all the products with specified SKUs automatically or let customers select only one free product.

Auto add the same product

This action adds as a free gift the same item as a customer added to the cart. You can create promotions like ‘Buy 2 shirts, get one free’, ‘Buy 3 items, get 1 free’, etc. Simple and configurable products are supported by this actions.

Add gift with each N-th product in the cart

With this action, you can reward your customers with free items for each N-th product in the cart. For example, 'Get a free T-shirt for each 2nd item in the cart.' Thus, when a customer adds 2 products to the cart - he/she will get a gift. If he\she add one more item, the total qty will be 3, so a customer will still have only one gift. With one more item, the total qty will be 4 and he\she will get a new gift. And so on for qty 6, 8, 10, and etc.

Number Of Gift Items - specify how many gift items a customer will get if the cart will meet the conditions in the rule.

Type - set ‘All SKU’s below’ to add all gift items automatically or ‘One of the SKUs below’ to let customers choose one of the available gifts specified in the field below.

Promo Items - specify SKUs of the free gifts. If you have more than 1 SKU, separate them by a comma.

Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To - set a maximal limit (maximal sum) for a discount application. To set no limits specify zero value.

Each N-th - here you need to specify the discount step.

Stop Further Rules Processing - turn on this option if you want to stop other cart price rules when this option is applied.

Auto add simple products automatically, without confirmation. - enable adding different product types to cart automatically. Thus, if a gift item is, for example, configurable, a customer will see a popup where he or she selects the product's options (size, color, etc.).


Use the conditions block to specify items to which the rule should be applied. According to the example above, a free camera case will be automatically added to the cart for each product from the ‘Digital Cameras’ category. For example, if a customer adds two cameras to the cart, he or she will get two free camera cases.


At the ‘Labels’ tab you can specify the promo text which will be displayed in the shopping cart and on the backend order page when the rule gets applied.

Promo Items with discounts

Now you can offer not only free items, but the items with discounts.

Promo Items Discount - Here you can specify the discount for promo items:

  • Fixed price (e.g. 100);
  • Fixed discount (e.g. 20);
  • Percent discount (e.g. 20%);

Minimal price - if you don’t want the discounted price be lower than a particular value – specify this value in this field.

Show Discount on the Cart Page - choose ‘Yes’ to show the original price and the price with a discount on the cart page.

Show Original Price in the Popup (Special Price if Set) - choose ‘Yes’ to display the original (or a special price if it is set) and the discounted prices in the popup with promo items.

Free Shipping for Promo Items - Set either free shipping or paid shipping for the promo items. If you choose the ‘Config’ option – the default shipping settings will be applied.

It is possible to display banners only for particular sku’s and categories.

‘Top Banner’ displays above the product image.

Enabled - Enable or disable a banner for each position.

Image - Upload a promo banner image from your computer.

Alt - Specify an alt and a banner title that will be displayed when a customer hoovers the mouse over the banner.

Description - Specify additional text that will be displayed together with the banner or instead of it above ‘Add to Cart’ button.

The settings for ‘After Product Description Banner' display are similar to the ‘Top Banner’ settings. This banner will be displayed in the product options block above ‘Add to Cart’ button. Add a promo “Label” to the item’s photo if you want to highlight a promo product.

Product label (ribbon) - upload a promo label that will be displayed in the left corner of the product image. You can upload the necessary image from your computer.

Frontend examples

Once the customer clicks on the Free Gift link, the pop-up with free items appears. If you enable ‘One of the SKUs’ option, a customer will be able to select a free gift.

See the example of the top banner on the product page.

Here is how the promo items display on top of the product page. You can set to show items' text attributes like a name and a short description on mouse hover.

You can also display banners and promo items above ‘Add to Cart’ button.

Display additional promo text on top of the product page together with the banner or instead of it. Also, you can display additional promo text above ‘Add to cart’ button.

It's possible to display the original price, as well as the discounted price in the pop up with promo items. (Switch the ‘Show original price in the pop up’ option to ‘Yes’ in the cart price rule settings, 'Promo Items Price' tab).

Here is the example of the shopping cart page with a free gift added.

Specify text labels for each particular rule, for example, '20% off!'. The label will be displayed on the cart page.

When a customer adds a promo item with a discount to the cart, the discount is displayed on the shopping cart page under the Subtotal.

How to add an attribute for discount rules

To add more conditions to the shopping cart price rules, please, go to Admin Panel → Catalog → Attributes → Manage Attributes → choose the attribute → Frontend Properties section. Please find ‘Use for Promo Rule Conditions' field and set it to ‘Yes’.

After you activate the attribute for the discount rules, it will be available in Conditions section of the shopping cart price rules.

On the order view page in the admin panel, the free item is prefixed with the message that you specify in the configuration section or in the label section for each specific rule of the extension.

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magento_1/auto_add_promo_items.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/22 13:29 by skudrov