How to display bestselling products in Magento + source code

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How to display bestselling products in Magento

We’ve noticed that many store owners ask questions about methods of displaying bestselling products on their Magento stores. Say, you need to show the most popular items on your Home page or Category View page.

Unfortunately, there’s no such default feature in Magento, but you can easily do this yourself. Read on to see the instructions!

 Choose to display bestselling products to a specific customer group only with this Magento 2 Customer Groups extension.


1. Create a new file for Block:


You can download the file for free at the end of the article. The file contains the algorithm of returning the necessary products collection, Bestsellers in our case.

2. Create a template file for the new block:


You can download the file for free at the end of the article. This file works with visualization of our bestsellers collection on a given page. It is just an example; you are welcome to use the list.phtml template from your theme. Please do not forget to do that so the look of the collection is adjusted to your website’s design.

3. Now you need to call the created block, to do that go to Backend > CMS > Pages > Edit Page ‘Home page’ and add the following lines of code:

block type="catalog/product_bestseller" template="catalog/product/bestseller.phtml" header="Bestsellers" limit=4

Also you can add a new block via layout update:

<reference name="content">
<block type="catalog/product_bestseller" name="bestseller" template="catalog/product/bestseller.phtml" before="-">
<action method="setLimit"><limit>3</limit></action>
<action method="setHeader"><header>Best Sellers</header></action>

For instance, try to add this block to the Category View page here:

Backend > Catalog > Manage Categories > Click needed category in the category tree > `Custom Design` horizontal tab > ` Custom Layout Update` field

Feel free to manipulate the result using the header and the limit variables.

If just adding a list of bestsellers is not enough, consider checking the Improved Sorting extension, which is also compatible with layered navigation. It lets your customers sort the products by Best Selling, Most Viewed, Top Rated, Reviews Count, and other parameters.
Please note that this solution doesn’t work with Flat Catalog. To make this work, please disable this option in your store settings.


When adding the block to the CMS page or Static block and using the following code:

[php]block type=”catalog/product_bestseller” template=”catalog/product/bestseller.phtml” header=”Bestsellers” limit=4[/php]

you need to create a permission for this block:
Backend – > System – > Permissions – > Blocks – > `Add New Block` button

This manipulation is needed to be done for Magento and higher or after installing SUPEE-6788 security patch.
Adding the block via Custom Layout Update works well in any situation:

[php]<reference name=”content”>
<block type=”catalog/product_bestseller” name=”bestseller” template=”catalog/product/bestseller.phtml” before=”-“>
<action method=”setLimit”><limit>4</limit></action>
<action method=”setHeader”><header>Best Sellers</header></action>

26.01.2016 UPDATE

The code now works with flat catalog, plus the category variable is added, and you can use a certain category for the product selection.
Add Magento bestsellers via CMS block:

[php]block type=”catalog/product_bestseller” template=”catalog/product/bestseller.phtml” header=”Bestsellers” limit=4 category=24[/php]

Add Magento bestsellers via layout update:

[php]<reference name=”content”> <block type=”catalog/product_bestseller” name=”bestseller” template=”catalog/product/bestseller.phtml” before=”-“> <action method=”setLimit”><limit>4</limit></action> <action method=”setHeader”><header>Best Sellers</header></action> <action method=”setCategory”><category>24</category></action> </block> </reference>[/php]

To find out the bestselling products, you can use the Advanced Reports extension.

October 6, 2016
October 11, 2016
September 23, 2016
Ashish @ MagikCommerce
October 14, 2014
We typically build this feature set in our themes only but separating the code out like you did for others is great. Especially for those theme which doesn't come powered with this functionality out of the box.
Ksenia Dobreva
October 16, 2014
Thanks for commenting, Ashish!
November 13, 2014
Thanks for sharing the script!
Ksenia Dobreva
November 14, 2014
Always welcome.
December 15, 2014
Hi, thank you for your post, which is great and works pretty well. I have a question: how can I choose how many products per row to display? I tried 5 but it does not works... Thank you very much
Ksenia Dobreva
December 16, 2014
Hi and thanks for reading! Try adding limit="3" where 3 is the quantity of products. ‘limit’ variable enables you to specify the number of products in the block. Please let me know if that helps.
December 17, 2014
Sorry, but there was an error in the comment: I wrote a string of code, but then appears only the number "5" instead of the code, I don't know why... My real question is: what code I must put to specify the number of products per row to display? I want to display 3 rows of 5 items: total 15 items. Thank you in advance
Ksenia Dobreva
December 18, 2014
Hi and sorry for the late answer! I just wanted to point out that this guide is an example of a solution. It shows data in 1 row using limit parameter, which contains the number of products for the selection. If you need to show more than 1 row (3 rows 5 products each), you need to edit your template bestseller.phtml, and pass limit=15. Hope that helps!
December 18, 2014
Hi, thank you for your kind answer! What means "pass limit=15"? This is what I get now:
Ksenia Dobreva
December 19, 2014
Hi again! From what I can see here, your script shows bestselling 15 items but you still need to customize the template so it shows the items in three rows, not one.
December 19, 2014
Thank you!!! :)
Ksenia Dobreva
December 30, 2014
Always welcome!
December 30, 2014
When we add this code, there's no best selling products showing up? Where does Magento store this information? Do we need to enable something, maybe running an report refresh or similar?
Ksenia Dobreva
December 30, 2014
Hi and thanks for the question! Did you clear the cache (both in the browser and in Magento)? If not, please try that. Technically, bestsellers aren't stored anywhere in the database separately. The php code analyses the database and pulls the bestsellers, and the template shows them.
December 30, 2014
Thanks Ksenia, and yeah, that's it, it's running now, sort of. I'm afraid there still are some sort of problem? We are on Magento 1.9.1 and MySQL 5.6. We now got this report when running the script? cat ../var/report/467165546016 a:5:{i:0;s:2267:"SELECT SUM(order_items.qty_ordered) AS ordered_qty ... ";i:1;s:6688:"#0 /usr/local/www/apache24/webroot/multistore/lib/Varien/Db/Statement/Pdo/Mysql.php(110): Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo->_execute(Array) Any idea? Can't find any error messages in the report :-P
Ksenia Dobreva
December 31, 2014
Could you please provide us with the link you're trying to place bestsellers on? Also, we'd love to have a look at the full report file (if it's not convenient to place it here you're welcome to send me the full report at ksenia.dobreva(at)
January 8, 2015
thanks lot of Dobreva .
Ksenia Dobreva
January 9, 2015
Always welcome!
January 14, 2015
Hi i am new to magento in my site its not working,where i want to put this {{block type="catalog/product_bestseller" template="catalog/product/bestseller.phtml" header="Bestsellers" limit=4}} in home page and also this 3 Best Sellers
Ksenia Dobreva
January 26, 2015
Hey! Could you please specify your answer so we could help you with this?
March 18, 2015
Can you let me know how to display the Category Products on a single row with Slider and no list grid tool bar Also I get the grey background if I try to display anything on homepage.
Ksenia Dobreva
March 19, 2015
Hi Sandeep! Thanks for stopping by. It's difficult to give answers when we can't see what exactly you are doing. In general, all the settings for catalog display can be found at System > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog. Home Page is changed at CMS > Pages > Home Page. If you need something that's not in the settings and there is no such extension, you'll probably need a customization made by a developer. Hope that helps.
March 19, 2015
Thanks for nice guide, but this does not work if you have enabled flat catalog. You should put that into guide :)
Ksenia Dobreva
March 20, 2015
Oops! Thanks so much for pointing this out. Indeed, there's an issue with flat catalog, we will definitely correct this and update the downloadable code very soon.
December 10, 2015
Hi Ksenia, very useful piece of code but can you update me if the code is updated to work with flat catalog on Magento 1.9.x? If not is this on your planning? Thank you in advance, Erwin.
Ksenia Dobreva
December 11, 2015
Hi Erwin, thanks for your interest. For now the code is not adapted to work with flat catalog, we will definitely consider the fact that even more people need this feature. Unfortunately, I can't promise any exact date here =)
David - objectsource
April 10, 2015
This is great - very useful for out latest project. Look clean and follows good practice as well.
Ksenia Dobreva
April 10, 2015
Glad it was useful for you, David! Thanks for your feedback.
April 22, 2015
"Magento_root/app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/Bestseller.php" this path do we have to create ourselves or was it already exist? because there is no local folder under magento_root/app/code where exactly is this layout update xml should we place in? "Also you can add a new block via layout update:" sorry i'm still very new to magento.. was just trying to add this to my home page Thanks!
Ksenia Dobreva
April 22, 2015
Hey! Thanks for your questions. “Magento_root/app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/Bestseller.php” this path do we have to create ourselves or was it already exist? because there is no local folder under magento_root/app/code" Yes, indeed, the local directory isn't included into Magento installation by default, but this doesn't mean you can't use it, you can, don't hesitate to create it. For more information: Now, to the second question. "where exactly is this layout update xml should we place in? Also you can add a new block via layout update:” Use the same path as in point 3 of the article: Backend > CMS > Pages > Edit Page ‘Home page’  Also, here's a <a href="" rel="nofollow">screenshot</a> for you as well. Hope that helps!
April 23, 2015
Hi Hi, Thanks a lot for helping me on this! So now I did created the local folder with all empty folders inside and put the Bestseller.php file in there. Still doesn't work.. actually it doesn't really load the bestseller.phtml .. i think it should at least show some html DIV like this one "" even if the $this->getCollection(); was failed right? I tried both method to print out the block "{{block type="catalog/product_bestseller" template="catalog/product/bestseller.phtml" header="Bestsellers" limit=4}}" in my home page content and layout update that you showed me.. both of them doesn't seem to work.. I am not sure if its because of the block type "catalog/product_bestseller" was not recognized or link to our class file?
Ksenia Dobreva
April 23, 2015
Hey! I'm sorry you faced some difficulties here. Thanks for providing the details! I'm afraid the developer needs to have a look at your installation to help you. Could you please shoot an email to, please mark that the letter is about the free bestsellers script (so we could forward the ticket to the right developer) and give us your credentials. My colleague will have a look and help you. Cheers!
john nusom
April 25, 2015
I am looking to make the template for the bestseller products to be responsive.. is there sample .phtml you have that is responsive?
Ksenia Dobreva
April 27, 2015
Hey! Unfortunately, we don't have a responsive template available. But you can create your own using list.phtml template from your theme. Hope that helps.
June 18, 2015
Hi Ksenia, Did exactly as per your instruction and received the following "There has been an error processing your request SELECT SUM(order_items.qty_ordered) AS `ordered_qty`,...........). We are on CE 1.9. Will be great if you can lead me to the right direction. Thanks!
Ksenia Dobreva
June 18, 2015
Hello and thanks for your comment. Could you please send us the full error message?
October 30, 2015
Hi, I have the exact same problem. How was this issue fixed?
June 26, 2015
When we add this code, there’s no best selling products showing up? It only display best selling name. please help me
Ksenia Dobreva
June 29, 2015
Hey, please check your email.
June 29, 2015
ya i got the mail.
June 30, 2015
Hi Ksenia, I am struggling with this concepts past four days, Please help me.
July 1, 2015
Hi Ksenia, Please check your email.
July 2, 2015
Hi Ksenia, I want to paste this script {{block type="catalog/product_bestseller" template="catalog/product/bestseller.phtml" header="Bestsellers" limit=4}} or add any other specific category id inside of this script ?
Ksenia Dobreva
July 2, 2015
Bestseller.php doesn't use categories. But you can customize this part of code: <img src="" alt="" />
August 28, 2015
He, Please mail that code for increase limit of best selling products....
Ksenia Dobreva
August 28, 2015
Hey, you can edit the code yourself. {{block type="catalog/product_bestseller" template="catalog/product/bestseller.phtml" header="Bestsellers" limit=4}} - limit is the parameter you need.
Luca Ricci
October 12, 2015
Hello Ksenia, thanks for sharing this. I tried your code but magento is throwing an "THERE HAS BEEN AN ERROR PROCESSING YOUR REQUEST" issue. From error log file i found the query and tried it directly from phpmyadmin and having this error: Unknown column 'e.cost' in 'field list' I'm using Magento CE Best regards, Luca
Ksenia Dobreva
October 12, 2015
Hey Luca, thanks for asking. Unfortunately, it's complicated to say what's going on without seeing the code on the website. Feel free to send me ( your FTP credentials, backend login and password and the link of the page you're using the code on. I'll ask my colleague to have a look.
Luca Ricci
October 12, 2015
Hello Ksenia, thank you very much. I've sent you an email with everything you need. Regards, Luca
October 23, 2015
Hey Ksenia, I have successfully added the bestseller script and it works nicely. I am however struggling with getting the star ratings for the products in the collection. Can you offer guidance on how to do this? Thank you
Ksenia Dobreva
October 23, 2015
Hey, thanks for asking. Please add the following line of code in the `bestseller.phtml` (somewhere in the foreach loop): <code> <?php echo $this->getReviewsSummaryHtml($p, true, true); ?> </code>
Abid Malik
November 2, 2015
Thank you, the "SUPEE-6788 update" section solved my problem. and saved the day finally.
Ksenia Dobreva
November 2, 2015
Glad it was helpful for you! We got to know about the issue thanks to our active readers, by the way.
January 18, 2016
Thanks for sharing. For now the code is not adapted to work with flat catalog, and I fixed this issuse. @Ksenia Dobreva, please update this guide. class Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Bestseller extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Abstract { protected function _beforeToHtml(){ // Get limit products $limitProducts = $this->getLimit(); if($limitProducts == "") $limitProducts = 12; $storeId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId(); $products = Mage::getResourceModel('reports/product_collection') ->addAttributeToSelect('*') ->addAttributeToSelect(array('name', 'price', 'small_image')) ->addOrderedQty() ->setStoreId($storeId) ->addStoreFilter($storeId) ->setOrder('ordered_qty', 'desc'); // Best sellers on top // Enabled flat catalog product if (Mage::helper('catalog/product_flat')->isEnabled()) { $products->getSelect()->joinInner(array('e2' => 'catalog_product_flat_'.$storeId), 'e2.entity_id = e.entity_id'); } Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_status')->addVisibleFilterToCollection($products); Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_visibility')->addVisibleInCatalogFilterToCollection($products); // Get best sellers for specific category if($categoryId = $this->getData('category_id')){ $category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($categoryId); $products->addCategoryFilter($category); } // Set limit products $products->setPageSize($limitProducts)->setCurPage(1); $this->setProductCollection($products); return parent::_beforeToHtml(); } }
Ksenia Dobreva
January 26, 2016
Hi Xuannd, many thanks for your comment. We've finally updated the code.
Kico Zaninetti
January 27, 2016
Hi Ksenia, thanks for your code. I really don't know what's happening here. When I print_r() the collection it returns products, but the $products->getSize() is always 0 and the foreach($products as $p) don't iterate. Any clues?
Ksenia Dobreva
January 28, 2016
Hi Kico, thanks for your question. I'm afraid it's difficult to say what's wrong without seeing the installation. If you want, you could send me your credentials at (ftp and backend), and we'll have a look. Cheers!
February 14, 2016
how to display most viewed product??
Ksenia Dobreva
February 16, 2016
Hi Nilesh, To answer your question, we actually need to write a new article, as for the most viewed products you'll need to take the data from another table, and therefore the code will be different.
March 5, 2016
thanks for code. It works fine here.. :)
March 17, 2016
your code works fine for me thanks :)
Ksenia Dobreva
March 17, 2016
Glad it was useful for you!
Anooj Mathew Varghese
May 19, 2016
Hi Guys, Thank you for the code. This was working perfectly fine on my local host testing machine. However, when i uploaded the same to online one its not working. What could have gone wrong? Online version of Magento Local Host version of Magento Is the difference in version causing this issue. Can anyone help me out
Anooj Mathew Varghese
May 19, 2016
Hi Guys, I fixed the issue, Thank you for the code again working perfectly fine. If any of you guys are facing this issue. Go to system-> magento connect and reinstall only the mage core files.
Ksenia Dobreva
May 19, 2016
Hey Anooj, thanks for commenting, we're glad that it works for you!
June 22, 2016
How to add pagination to this?
Ksenia Dobreva
July 1, 2016
Hey there and thanks for the question. Well, the article was more about creating a collection, and pagination is a different task, that's why we didn't describe it. You can use any jQuery slider for a fast result, and if you want to add real pagination, it's a good idea to dig into this: Magento_root\app\code\core\Mage\Catalog\Block\Product\List\Toolbar.php Hope that helps!
June 27, 2016
Nice script but have one question that how to add this script and where Magento store this information.
Ksenia Dobreva
July 1, 2016
Hey there and thanks for asking. 1) how to add this script Well, this process is described in the article. You create the necessary files and use one of the two ways of adding them (layout update or call CMS block) 2) where Magento stores this information Depends on which information you're talking about. 2.1) sales info is taken from sales_flat_order_item database 2.2) product info: а) if flat is included from the corresponding data base (depends on the store) - from catalog_product_flat_X (where X is the store id) b) if flat is not included, then the info is taken from EAV, I won't list all the tables because there's a lot of them. 2.3) stock status info is taken from the corresponding tables. Hope that helps.
November 16, 2016
Hi Ksenia, Does this work with Magento 2.1 ?
Ksenia Dobreva
November 17, 2016
Hello, no, it doesn't. It's only for Magento 1.
January 12, 2017
How can i implement this with my theme called 'Ultimo'. I want the best sellers to show as i slider, check the page: frokungen . se . There you can see sliders on home page.
Ksenia Dobreva
January 12, 2017
Hey Stefan, thanks for the question, but it looks like the answer would be a whole new article =) It's quite difficult to answer your question in a single comment. Try modifying this template: Magento_root\app\design\frontend\base\default\template\amasty\amsorting\
March 10, 2017
Hi, Thanks for this. I've managed to get this working but it doesn't show products for some category ids. I've cerated a CMS page and called the code from layout xml. I can see the heading written out but no products. I can't see anything common across the categories that it works for and which it does not. Should it work with all product types and is there any config setting for a category that would make it not display best selling products from that category. Thanks Julian
March 10, 2017
further to this it looks as though simple products that are set to visibility='Not Visible Individually' and are part of a configurable or grouped product are not being pulled through with your code.
Ksenia Dobreva
March 27, 2017
Yes, you're right, the visibility setting is used in the collection code.
Ksenia Dobreva
March 27, 2017
Are you sure that you have products in those categories?
March 22, 2017
Hi, How can I use this script in specific category page?
Ksenia Dobreva
March 27, 2017
Hey there and thanks for the question. You can add this block to any category page pretty much the same way! Go to the category settings, and here after choosing Static Block and Products display mode you will be able to choose the necessary CMS block (which you should have previously created). Also, you can go here and add the code from the article which starts from (layout update). Hope that helps!
May 23, 2017
Thanks Ksenia , but it is not working for the configurable Products !
October 24, 2017
Hello Ksenia, Is it possible to show only product with more than 0 stock quantity ? Or only "on stock" products ? Thank you!
November 14, 2017
Great stuff! I work on Magento 2.1.7, will the code still work?
November 14, 2017
I have subscribed, but I can not download the code :(
November 14, 2017
Can you update the article (if necessary) for Magento version 2.1.7?
Alina Bragina
January 22, 2018
Hi Ravzan! Thanks for commenting. Sorry, but it looks like it could be rather difficult to answer your question in this post. We'll try to see if we can cover this question in the future articles. Cheers!
August 14, 2018
hi dude,style issue is not obeying the magento css
October 29, 2019
October 29, 2019
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