Amasty Blog


Improved Magento 2 Color Swatches Pro makes online shopping closer to reality

What’s the main difference between picking a product online and in a brick-and-mortar store? This, of course, is the lack of physical contact. The main specifity of online shopping is that you can’t touch or examine products in your hands. Therefore, selling products online you need to make every effort to supply customers with most detailed information on the goods you offer. Along with t...
May 23, 2018
Custom shipping methods.

Shipping Table Rates for different postal code systems [Expert tips]

During the period of pandemic and quarantine, fast delivery from online stores has become even more important for e-commerce. Businesses met multiple difficulties like: sharply increased demand for delivery of goods; shortage of couriers; the need to ensure the safety of employees and clients; problems with the delivery of goods due to closed borders, etc. The increased interest in shipping m...
May 16, 2018

Magento 2 certification: dependency injection [approach and architecture]

Hey to Amasty blog readers! We are continuing with our posts in preparation for the Magento 2 certification exam. This time we asked Stanislav, one of our team Magento 1 certified developers and a Zend Certified Engineer, to tell about Magento’s dependency injection approach and architecture. Read on to find out how to use the dependency injection at first hand. What is Magento 2...
May 1, 2018

Magento 2 certification: configuration files [visibility areas]

Hello to Amasty blog readers! We hope your preparation for Magento 2 certification goes well. Good news, by the way, another of our team developers Mihail has prepared the answer to the 1.3 topic from the study guide. So, enjoy studying. Magento 2 configuration files [brief overview] Magento 2 configuration is divided into separate configuration files. Each of the files (...
April 22, 2018
Configure the Country to Store View Redirect correctly.

6 Answers to Common Questions About Magento 2 GeoIP Redirect

Most users start working with the Magento 2 GeoIP Redirect module after looking through the user guide and FAQ. However, some questions still remain open. In this article, we will explain how to tackle 6 common issues and help you better understand the extension capabilities. By the way, the tips below perfectly apply to Magento 1 GeoIP Redirect as well, so feel free to read on even if y...
April 17, 2018

Magento 2 certification: directory structure [files location]

Hey, Amasty blog readers! How is your preparation for the Magento 2 certification exam? This time we asked Alexey Motorny, who passed Magento Certification in 2014 and who has been developing modules for 6+ years already, to describe the Magento developer directory structure and how to find the files responsible for certain functionality. Magento 2 directory structure [brief overview] The best ...
April 13, 2018

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This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro